“A feeling of fellowship with others, as a result of sharing common attitudes, interests, and goals”

Sunday Services at 11:00 AM
During Construction Our Sunday Services Are Held at:
Discovery Academy of Science – (Our Former Sanctuary)
2433 Nursery Rd, Clearwater, 33764

Current Mailing Address:
Unity Church of Clearwater
PO Box 4681
Clearwater, FL 33758

Live stream still available every Sunday
Click “Watch Live” Below or “Watch and Listen” in the Menu Above

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This Sunday at UCC: "Say the Word" - Leddy Hammock

Highlights – “Say the Word” inspired by lyrics to “My Every Notion” by Sue Riley & Glen Roethel:

Words I say come back to me. I choose my words carefully.
With my thoughts and words, I build my life.

As I speak, my words have power. My life opens like a flower.
This is why I know: My every notion puts energy in motion.

What I say is what I get. So, when I feel I’ve lost my way, I find perfect words to say.
I look within, I make the choice, I take a breath, I lift my voice.

Words and thoughts are seeds that grow. This is why I know: My every notion puts energy in motion!

It Doesn't Matter....

What You Wear
How You Look
Who You Love
What’s in Your Wallet

You’re Always Welcome at UCC!

My Religion Is Very Simple
My Religion Is Kindness
–Dalai Lama

ALL Are Welcome At Unity!

What's Happening

There’s always a lot going on at UCC and in our community.
ALL events are open to EVERYONE

All Are Welcome!

Unity Church of Clearwater
is an open and affirming, welcoming congregation!
Last we heard, Love is a GOOD thing!!

Weekly Affirmation

“I now deny all limitations of error thoughts, wholeheartedly affirming that God, the Good, is the only Presence and Power in the universe and in my life.”

Teaching Not Preaching

Our Minister, The Reverend Dr Leddy Hammock (Just call her Leddy) speaks most Sundays here at the UCC Campus.

The comment we hear most often?: “she was speaking directly to me”.