Posts from August 2024

Posts from August 2024

Ready to Receive

Leddy Hammock My life is in order and I am ready to receive my good.   I do not make excuses.  I make ready.    My mind is now open, my heart is receptive to be healed and happy.      I am open to give love and to receive love, to love and to be loved.  

Healing Time

Leddy Hammock Inspired by lyrics from “Healing in the Hands of Time” by Karen Taylor-Good & Lisa Aschmann:   God has a gentle salve for the wounded, a pillow for the weary soul.    God is time and makes us whole.    God is taking us all on a journey, knows exactly ev’ry inch of this road and, if we could only see farther…

I Wish You Strength

Leddy Hammock Inspired by lyrics to “I Wish You Strength”  by Jana Stanfield, Tim Bays, & Matt Wilder:    I wish you strength to rise unafraid, like the morning sun, taking on the day, Because when you shine, you light up the place. So, I wish you strength.   I wish you faith, that you’ll overcome, whatever you face ….  …

This Place

Leddy Hammock Inspired by lyrics to “This Place” by Richard Mekdeci:   This place stirs my love for life, brings me home to paradise.         This place holds me in its arms, breathes on me the breath of God.     Oh, when I think about this place. It always heals me somehow.   This place –best of times, best of…