Posts from 2025
The Power of Service
Sean Schrader Lyrics to “Do All You Can” by “Devotion”: “This is the gift they gave to us, to share wherever we go: ‘Be the change you wish to see in the world.’ Now I understand what they wanted us to know. Do all you can with what you have, in the time you have in the place you are, do…
Carol Record Inspired by lyrics to “It’s Up to Me” by Sue Riley, Nathen Aswell, Glen Roethel: “If I seek the Truth, let me speak the Truth. If I’m lost in doubt, let me believe. I know I can be the change I want to see. If it’s to be, it’s up to me. If I’m feeling stressed, let me stop and…
Carol Record Lyrics from “Sweeping Up My Own Side of the Street” by Sue Riley & Melinda Wood Allen: “Taking time to stop and smell the roses on the way, planting what I want to see, pruning what’s not serving me, tending my own garden every day. I’m exactly where I’m meant to be. Every step I take…
Rising in Love
Leddy Hammock Lyrics from “Rising in Love” by David Roth: I always find it surprising, the way people say that they’re falling in love when I always thought I was rising . . . . I’m not falling at all; I am rising in love. Everyone talks about tying the knot, … but the feeling of love should be freeing – lifting…
Groundbreaking in Our Heartland
Leddy Hammock “Living in My Heartland” by Sue Riley and Claudia Carawan: I’m gonna make a new start, lead with my heart, I’ve never felt so sure. I’m gonna follow where I’m called, it may not be the easy road, Because I’ve finally found my home, living in my heartland. Now I like those quiet days, I love the…
The Greatest Thing in the World
Leddy Hammock Lyrics to “That’s What Love Is” by Lisa Aschmann, Karen Taylor Good, and Freebo It’s a whisper you hear in the midst of your fear. It’s revealing. It’s a part of the heart and it’s just who we are. It’s so healing. It’s the power inside, always wins over pride, never judges. …
Look How Far You’ve Come
Leddy Hammock Inspired by lyrics to “Look How Far You’ve Come” by Sue Riley: Hasn’t it been great?… Let’s talk about the future. Let’s cool off with the rain. We’ve come through the desert and now we sit here in the shade. Though we’re not where we were heading, just look how far we’ve come. …
Only Love
Leddy Hammock We take to heart these mighty words of The Rev Dr Martin Luther King, Jr., spoken in 1963: “As we walk, we must make the pledge that we shall always march ahead. We cannot turn back.” “With this faith we will be able to hew out of the mountain of despair a stone of hope ….” “With this faith we will be able to work…
Everything New
Leddy Hammock Lyrics by Daniel Nahmod to “Everything New”: “Bring it on — everything new, everything different, everything true. I am ready for my next thing to do. Oh, I know it’s gonna be everything new.” “I think I finally learned to bring it on, everything new.” “I…