Changing Other People

Changing Other People

Leddy Hammock

From lyrics to “What Needs Changing in the World” by Freebo:  

“What needs changing in the world, maybe it could be the way I’d like it to be:
No more fighting in the neighborhood, hearts united for the sake of good,
No more hunger and no more greed.  Everybody’s rich, happy and free.”

“What can I do to heal up the world for me and you?  The more I look around, the more I see, I can’t do it all but I can change me.  I could be the change I’d like to see.”

“When it all comes down to all the things I’m feeling, I’ve finally found it’s my mind that needs a healing.”  “I only need to walk the walk.  All I have to do is take that leap.”

“What needs changing in the world? — just one thing and it’s up to me.
I can be the change I’d like to see.”