Healing Formula – Leddy Hammock

Healing Formula – Leddy Hammock

This is my healing formula:

God loves me and sees me well.

The place for healing to happen is right here, right where I am.

Right now, in this very moment, is my healing time.

I already know how to heal.

God speaks my healing formula to me in the silence of prayer: “I trust you to go within to discover you already know how it feels to be whole, how to heal.”

Responsive Reading for Sunday October 6

“Then your light will break forth like the dawn, and your healing will spring up quickly . . . . and the glory of the LORD will guard your back” (Isaiah 58:80, International Standard Version).

This is my healing formula: “God loves me and sees me well.”

Jesus went to the city of Jerusalem. “One man was there who had been ill for thirty-eight years. When Jesus saw him lying there and knew that he had been ill for a long time, he said to him, ‘Do you want to be well?’ . . . . ‘Rise, take up your mat, and walk. Immediately the man became well, took up his mat, and walked” (John 5:1-9).

This is my healing formula: “The place for healing to happen is right here, right where I am.”

“Bless the LORD, my soul; do not forget all the gifts of God . . . . Who . . . heals all your ills . . . surrounds you with love and compassion. Fills your days with good things” (Psalm 103 New American Bible).

This is my healing formula: “Right now, in this very moment, is my healing time.”

A Centurian (leader of a hundred Roman soldiers) met Jesus in a city called Capernaum and told Jesus that his servant was “lying at home paralyzed.” Jesus offered to come to the man’s home, but the Centurian said to Jesus, “Only say the word and my servant will be healed.” “Jesus said to the centurion, ‘You may go, as you have believed, let it be done for you.’ And at that very hour his servant was healed” (Matthew 8:5-13).

I already know how to heal. God speaks my healing formula to me in the silence of prayer: “I trust you to go within to discover you already know how it feels to be whole, how to heal.”