A Little Moonlight

A Little Moonlight

Leddy Hammock

Lyrics by “What a Little Moonlight Can Do” (Sue Riley, Sloan Wainwright, Glen Roethel, Dan Johnson)

“Sitting in the silence, listening to the clouds touch the ground, everything a softer hue, as I take the time to look around.

Life blurred at the edges, all the world bathed in silver sunshine.
Isn’t it amazing what a little moonlight can do?

I gaze up at the heavens, moon and stars so close, yet far away
Like a million spotlights shining brighter than the light of day
Illuminated universe creating space for all life’s wonder.
Isn’t it amazing what a little moonlight can do?

Dreaming, dreaming with my eyes wide open, flying, flying with both feet on the ground . . . . Ready to shine my own moon magic.
Isn’t it amazing what a little moonlight can do?”