“Here & Now”

“Here & Now”

Inspired by lyrics from “Here and Now” by Faith Rivera and David Roth:

“Gonna turn this trickle into a flow. Sayin’ hello to a new life!
Gonna let the riches in my life grow. Now it’s my time, this is my time
To be everything that I dream I can be in my life and I know
That prosperity starts in my mind, here and now.

Now I dive right into a sea of joy, going deeper to my treasure
And I drink in every precious drop, I am richer, so much richer,
And I have everything that I truly deserve and there’s more and I know
That prosperity starts in my mind, here and now.

I allow, I enjoy, I receive, I embrace, I commit, I invite, I believe, I open up my arms to this big wide world, sayin’ c’mon, bring it all on.

Gonna ease on down this yellow brick road full of wonder, so much wonder. I can be everything that I choose to be in my life and I know
That prosperity starts in my mind, here and now.
I allow, I enjoy, I receive, I invite, I believe, here & now.”

Responsive Reading for January 31

“The LORD is exalted, enthroned on high . . . the riches that save . . . are wisdom and knowledge; the awe of the LORD is her treasure . . . . Now will I rise up, says the LORD, now will I be exalted, now be lifted up” (Isaiah 33:5-10).

“Gonna turn this trickle into a flow. Sayin’ hello to a new life.
Gonna let the riches in my life grow. Now it’s my time, this is my time
To be everything that I dream I can be in my life and I know
That prosperity starts in my mind, here and now.” Here and now, I receive prosperity.

“Consider it all joy . . . when you encounter various trials. For you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. And let perseverance be perfect, so that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing” (James 1:2-4).

“Now I dive right into a sea of joy, going deeper to my treasure
And I drink in every precious drop, I am richer, so much richer,
And I have everything that I truly deserve and there’s more and I know
That prosperity starts in my mind, here and now.” Here and now, I enjoy prosperity.

“Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house, and try me in this, says the LORD of hosts. Shall I not open for you the floodgates of heaven to pour down blessing upon you without measure?” (Malachi 3:10).

“I allow, I enjoy, I receive, I embrace, I commit, I invite, I believe, I open up my arms to this big wide world, sayin’ c’mon, bring it all on.” Here and now, I invite prosperity.

“Praise the LORD, who is so good; God’s love endures forever . . . . Who alone has done great wonders, God’s love endures forever . . .” (Psalms 136:1).

“Gonna ease on down this yellow brick road full of wonder, so much wonder.
I can be everything that I choose to be in my life and I know
That prosperity starts in my mind, here and now. I allow, I enjoy, I receive, I invite, I believe,
here & now.” Here and now, I believe in God’s limitless power to prosper me.