“Blue Sky Thinking” – Leddy Hammock

“Blue Sky Thinking” – Leddy Hammock

Inspired by lyrics from “The Sky Is Always Blue” by Daniel Nahmod

“For every hill, there is a valley.
For every winter, the promise of spring.
For your heartache, there will be healing, though it’s not easy remembering.

For every tear, there’s comfort, I promise.
For every midnight, the deep breath of dawn.
But in the darkness, no one can blame us for wondering how everything went so wrong.
Wondering when the lights will come back on.

What if the sky is always blue, just beyond the clouds?
What if the only thing to do is live this life out loud?
Even in these dark days, we keep on believing that the sun still brightly burns.
Maybe that’s what we are here to learn.

What if the sky is always blue, just beyond the clouds?
If this is only an illusion, we can live this life right now.
It’s gonna hurt sometimes, though we might know the Truth.
Never mind the doubt. Forget about those clouds.
Just beyond our view, I believe the sky is always blue.”

Responsive Reading for June 13

“At the end of forty days Noah opened the hatch of the ark that he had made …. Then he released a dove, to see if the waters had lessened on the earth…. In the evening the dove came back to him, and there in its bill was a plucked-off olive leaf! So Noah knew that the waters had diminished on the earth. He waited yet another seven days and then released the dove; but this time it did not come back” (Gen. 8:6-12).

For every hill, there is a valley. For every winter, the promise of spring.
For your heartache, there will be healing, though it’s not easy remembering.

“Look up to the skies and see; behold the heavens high above you. But it is idle to say God does not hear or that the Almighty does not take notice” (Job 35:5-6).

For every tear, there’s comfort, I promise. For every midnight, the deep breath of dawn.
But in the darkness, no one can blame us for wondering how everything went so wrong.

“Awake, my soul; awake, lyre and harp! I will wake the dawn. . . . I will chant your praise . . . For your mercy towers to the heavens; your faithfulness reaches to the skies. Exalt yourself over the heavens, God” (Ps. 57 9-12).

Wondering when the lights will come back on. What if the sky is always blue, just beyond the clouds? What if the only thing to do is live this life out loud? Even in these dark days, we keep on believing that the sun still brightly burns. Maybe that’s what we are here to learn.

“See, God is great beyond our knowledge …. He holds in check the waterdrops that filter in rain … Till the clouds flow with them and they rain down on all humankind. Can anyone understand the spreading clouds, the thunderings from his tent? Look, he spreads his light over it” (Job. 36:26).

What if the sky is always blue, just beyond the clouds? If this is only an illusion, we can live this life right now… though we might know the Truth. Never mind the doubt. Forget about those clouds. Just beyond our view, I believe the sky is always blue.