“Royal Blues” – Leddy Hammock

“Royal Blues” – Leddy Hammock

God guides me through the “blues” with royal grace.

I don’t have to pretend to be okay. At my royal command, the blues must leave me in peace.

I don’t have to fight with depression. I choose to go about my Father’s business and tend my thoughts peacefully.

Even the rich and powerful may experience temporary feelings of helplessness and sorrow. I am grateful for the love of God that lights my way through the “blues” to the victory of “Royal Blues.”

Responsive Reading for September 26

A Psalm of King David: I wait for you, O LORD; I lift up my soul to my God. In you I trust . . . . Guide me in your truth and teach me, for you are God my savior. For you I wait all the long day, because of your goodness, LORD . . . . Bring me out of my distress . . I wait for you, O LORD” (Psalm 25:1-21).

God guides me through the “blues” with royal grace.

Whenever King Saul felt tormented, “David would take the harp and play, and Saul would be relieved and feel better, for the evil spirit [the “blues”] would leave him” (I Samuel 23:16).

I don’t have to pretend to be okay. At my royal command, the blues must leave me in peace.

“The three oldest sons of Jesse had followed Saul to war . . . . David was the youngest. While the three oldest had joined [King] Saul, David [the future King] would go and come from Saul to tend his father’s sheep at Bethlehem” (I Samuel 17:13-15).

I don’t have to fight with depression. I choose to go about my Father’s business and tend my thoughts peacefully.

Psalm 18: “A King’s Thanksgiving for Victory” — “I love you, LORD, my strength, LORD, my rock, my fortress, my deliverer, my God, my rock of refuge, my shield … my stronghold! … In my distress I called out: LORD! I cried out to my God….on my day of distress, but the LORD was my support. He set me free in the open; he rescued me because he loves me . . . . For you, LORD, give light to my lamp; my God brightens my darkness” (Psalm 18:2-29).

Even the rich and powerful may experience temporary feelings of helplessness and sorrow. I am grateful for the love of God that lights my way through the “blues” to the victory of “Royal Blues.”