“Increase by Decrease (Less Is More)” – Leddy Hammock

“Increase by Decrease (Less Is More)” – Leddy Hammock

Inspired by lyrics to “Get out of the Way” by Eddie Watkins, Jr.:

“Runnin’ ‘round fixing this and that,
Giving it up to God and then taking it back.
Just release and let it go.
You don’t even have to think about it no more.
….Get out of the way and let God do Its thing.

You look like the weight of the world’s on your back.
Just take a deep breath and cut yourself some slack.
All that drama ain’t good for you.
You couldn’t change what is if you wanted to….
Get out the way, let God do Its thing.

The sun is gonna shine and the river’s gonna flow.
The tide’s gonna rise without your say so.
The universe is working and the good is flowing.
You don’t plant a seed and then dig it up and see if it’s growing….
Get out of the way and let God do Its thing.”

Responsive Reading for October 24

“For thus said the Lord GOD, the Holy One . . . . By waiting and by calm you shall be saved, in quiet and in trust shall be your strength” (Isaiah 30:15).

I stop trying to fix things. I release and let go.
I get out of the way and let God do God’s thing.

“The LORD is our God; who rules the whole earth…. the world will surely stand fast, never to be moved…. The LORD is king…. Give thanks to the LORD, who is good, whose love endures forever” (I Chronicles 16:14-30).

I stop trying to carry the weight of the world.
I couldn’t change what is if I wanted to,
so I get out of the way and let God do God’s thing.

“He will give rain for the seed you sow in the ground, and the bread that the soil produces will be rich and abundant” (Isaiah 30:23).

The universe is working and the good is flowing.
I don’t plant a seed and dig it up to see if it’s growing.
I get out of the way and let God do God’s thing.

“The Father who dwells in me is doing his works” (John 14:10).

The sun is gonna shine and the river’s gonna flow.
The tide’s gonna rise without my say so.
I get out of the way and let God do God’s thing.