Groundbreaking in Our Heartland
Leddy Hammock “Living in My Heartland” by Sue Riley and Claudia Carawan: I’m gonna make a new start, lead with my heart, I’ve never felt so sure. I’m gonna follow where I’m called, it may not be the easy road, Because I’ve finally found my home, living in my heartland. Now I like those quiet days, I love the…
The Greatest Thing in the World
Leddy Hammock Lyrics to “That’s What Love Is” by Lisa Aschmann, Karen Taylor Good, and Freebo It’s a whisper you hear in the midst of your fear. It’s revealing. It’s a part of the heart and it’s just who we are. It’s so healing. It’s the power inside, always wins over pride, never judges. …
Look How Far You’ve Come
Leddy Hammock Inspired by lyrics to “Look How Far You’ve Come” by Sue Riley: Hasn’t it been great?… Let’s talk about the future. Let’s cool off with the rain. We’ve come through the desert and now we sit here in the shade. Though we’re not where we were heading, just look how far we’ve come. …
Only Love
Leddy Hammock We take to heart these mighty words of The Rev Dr Martin Luther King, Jr., spoken in 1963: “As we walk, we must make the pledge that we shall always march ahead. We cannot turn back.” “With this faith we will be able to hew out of the mountain of despair a stone of hope ….” “With this faith we will be able to work…
Everything New
Leddy Hammock Lyrics by Daniel Nahmod to “Everything New”: “Bring it on — everything new, everything different, everything true. I am ready for my next thing to do. Oh, I know it’s gonna be everything new.” “I think I finally learned to bring it on, everything new.” “I…
Happy New You
Leddy Hammock Lyrics to “Who You Really Are” Richard Mekdeci, Sage & Sue Riley “I know who you really are – I see it in your eyes. Oh, you are a shining star – I know who you really are! Oh, I know who you’re here to be – I see it in your eyes: A light for the world to see – I know who you’re here to be…. Oh, I know who you really are – I…
Letting Go
Dell deChant Lyrics from “Letting Go of Holding On” by Richard Mekdeci & Mario Freidel: “I let go of the feelings that feed on lack and greed. I let go of the reasons keeping me in need. I let go of the fear that there’s never enough. And I stop holding on, to what is not love. We breathe in, we breathe out. It’s all give…
Child of Peace
Leddy Hammock The Child of peace is hope to all the world. The Child of Peace is born in me. I give my heart to the Child of Peace within all humankind. Show me how to be a Child of Peace.
A Stable Season
Leddy Hammock Make of my heart a cradle, Lord, so love will come and lay there. Make of my heart a shelter, Lord, so love will come and stay there. Make of my heart a manger, Lord, where Love’s the only answer. Make of my heart a stable, Lord, glowing for light for miles in the darkness so Love will find its way there.
Quiet Christmas
Leddy Hammock Inspired by “A Quiet Christmas” by Michael Gott: My heart longs for a quiet Christmas, far from the hurry and the noise, for peace on earth meets peace of mind. I can slow my mind. Just breathe, don’t run away, just breathe, and leave the cares behind. I know I don’t have to hide. I…
Your Gifts
Leddy Hammock Lyrics to “Ready to use the Gifts I’ve Been Given” by Jana Stanfield & Greg Tamblyn: “Lately, I’ve been noticing how much I’ve been blessed With people to love, peace of mind, and happiness. It makes me want to pass along the love I’ve received As a way of giving thanks for what’s been given to…
Expect the Best
Leddy Hammock Negative expectations come to nothing, while positive and loving thoughts are manifesting now. Every good thought, like an angel presence, goes before me to make my way easy, safe, prosperous, and happy. I deny the stumbling blocks of doubt, fear, and worry, and instead I build up a strong and positive consciousness, paving the way to good…
Angels Say Fear Not
Leddy Hammock Highlights from Psalm 91 I shall not fear. There is no evil, for God is the only Presence and the only Power. I shall not fear, for there is no absence of life, substance, or intelligence, anywhere. I shall not fear. Pain, sickness, poverty, old age, and death cannot master me, for they are not real. I dwell on thoughts of…
Share the Dream of Peace
Leddy Hammock Inspired by lyrics, “Share the Dream of Peace” by Sue Riley, David Roth, & Jana Stanfield: “My skin may be a diff’rent shade, my language not the same. I pray in different places, I call God by different names. My clothing may not be like yours, might stand out in a crowd. But in universal Spirit, there are diff’rences…
Conceive, Believe, Receive
Leddy Hammock Inspired by lyrics to “As You Believe” by Claudia Carawan: Spread your wings and fly. You belong to the sky. Many wonders lie waiting within your mind’s eye. As you believe, you will receive. With great clarity, claim your destiny. Beyond perceived boundaries lies possibility. Keep hanging on sight unseen. The world belongs to those who…
It Works When You Work It
Leddy Hammock Inspired by lyrics to “It Works when You Work It” by Sue K. Riley & Fred Bogert: “It works, when I work it! My good comes pouring through. It works, when I work it – these principles of Truth. … I know that I am ready to receive …. If I trust my heart to lead, then love comes pouring through …. My good will know my face. I’m…
Ready to Receive
Leddy Hammock My life is in order and I am ready to receive my good. I do not make excuses. I make ready. My mind is now open, my heart is receptive to be healed and happy. I am open to give love and to receive love, to love and to be loved.
Healing Time
Leddy Hammock Inspired by lyrics from “Healing in the Hands of Time” by Karen Taylor-Good & Lisa Aschmann: God has a gentle salve for the wounded, a pillow for the weary soul. God is time and makes us whole. God is taking us all on a journey, knows exactly ev’ry inch of this road and, if we could only see farther…
I Wish You Strength
Leddy Hammock Inspired by lyrics to “I Wish You Strength” by Jana Stanfield, Tim Bays, & Matt Wilder: I wish you strength to rise unafraid, like the morning sun, taking on the day, Because when you shine, you light up the place. So, I wish you strength. I wish you faith, that you’ll overcome, whatever you face …. …
This Place
Leddy Hammock Inspired by lyrics to “This Place” by Richard Mekdeci: This place stirs my love for life, brings me home to paradise. This place holds me in its arms, breathes on me the breath of God. Oh, when I think about this place. It always heals me somehow. This place –best of times, best of…