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Love Your Inner-Mes

Leddy Hammock Leddy Hammock in St. Louis Inspired by lyrics to “With Love in My Heart” by Tim Burnaman I am not glad when someone who has hurt me is hurt. I treat others as I want to be treated. When I have felt hurt by others, I forgive. Now, joy heals me and brightens up my day, showing me how to let go of anger and hurt. In time, life reveals how I can show…

Happy New You

Leddy Hammock Inspired by lyrics to “If You Want To Be Happy” (Words and music by Sloan Wainwright, Sue Riley, Jana Stanfield): “Don’t believe all that you think – if you want to be happy.” “If you want to be happy, be careful what you say. Resist the urge to criticize when things don’t go your way. You can’t make yourself…

Sweeping My Own Side of the Street

Leddy Hammock Leddy Hammock in St. Louis Lyrics to “Sweeping Up My Own Side of the Street” by Sue Riley and Melinda Wood Allen I’m sweeping up my own side of the street, clearing out the clutter, pulling up the weeds, finding out it’s quite enough just taking care of my own stuff, sweeping up my own side of the street tending my own garden every…

A Day in the Life

Leddy Hammock Inspired by “This Thing Called Life” by Faith Rivera: “Today is the day I will change my luck. I will find three pennies and they’ll be heads up. I will walk like a queen in my tennis and jeans ’cause I know where I come from. From the stars and the sun, from the magical One, I am part of this thing called Life. From the known…

“Get Ready, My Soul”

Daniel Nahmod “Everything I’ve ever done, everything I’ve ever seen, everything I’ve lost or won, everything I’ve ever dreamed, has brought me here to the present moment, here, to a new beginning, here and I’m seeing life so clearly now.” “‘Cause here I go, deeper, deeper, deeper than I’ve ever been before. Here…

Letting Go of Holding On

Leddy Hammock in St. Louis Inspired by lyrics to “Letting Go of Holding On” by Richard Mekdeci “I’m letting go of holding on. God is my shepherd, I shall not want. I’m letting go of holding on, seeking first the kingdom of God. I let go of the feelings that feed on lack and greed. I let go of the reasons keeping me in need. I let go of the…

Child of Peace

Leddy Hammock Inspired by lyrics by Sue Riley and Richard Mekdeci “We waited then; we’re waiting still. The answer lies within our will. Every child that’s born each day brings the gift of peace and shows the way, and is a Child of peace in its own way, to show the hope of possibility.” “Child of peace, pure and sweet. Show me how to be a…

Starring YOU

Leddy Hammock Lyrics to “I Know Who You Really Are” — Words and Music by Richard Mekdeci, Sue Riley, Sage Riley “I know who you really are, I see it in your eyes. Oh, you are a shining star, I know who you really are. I know who you’re here to be, I see it in your eyes. A light for the world to see, I know who you’re here to be. You’re…

A Stable Christmas

Leddy Hammock “Stables” by Peter Mayer “In Bethlehem a manger waits, long ago and so today, Where hatred-weary people pray Love will come and lay there. And so do countless stables stand in hearts as harsh as desert lands, Rough shelters in the wind and sand, so Love will come and stay there –. Love that opens fists of hate, heaps of gold on…

A Little Moonlight

Leddy Hammock Lyrics by “What a Little Moonlight Can Do” (Sue Riley, Sloan Wainwright, Glen Roethel, Dan Johnson) “Sitting in the silence, listening to the clouds touch the ground, everything a softer hue, as I take the time to look around. Life blurred at the edges, all the world bathed in silver sunshine. Isn’t it amazing what a little moonlight…


Leddy Hammock I practice an attitude of gratitude. My prayers are answered as I share generously from my grateful heart. The grateful heart draws to itself great things. Perfect answers take form as I keep a good and grateful attitude.

Change Is Coming

Leddy Hammock There been times that I thought I couldn’t last for long, But now I think I’m able, I’m able, to carry on. It’s been a long time comin’, but change is gonna come. I know that a change is gonna come one day.” – “Sam Cooke, “A Change Is Gonna Come” (1963)

Get Over This

Leddy Hammock Inspired by lyrics by Scott Ainslie to “Cold in Here” “I thought I felt a little cool breeze come through. What shall we do? Don’t it feel cold in here to you? Turn up the heat. Warm up your feet.” Loving, patient, and warm words take the chill out of the air between us – from the top of our heads to the tip of our toes.…

Open Doors

Leddy Hammock Inspired by lyrics to “No One Gets to Heaven If Anybody Else Is Left Behind” by Tom Kimmel and Klaus Caprani: “He said there is a light in the dark when we need it the most. There is a way through this world if we keep this in mind, No one gets to heaven if anybody else is left behind. No one gets to heaven if anyone is lost along the way.…


Leddy Hammock Inspired by lyrics by Sue Riley and JD Martin to “My Hearts Desire”: My heart’s desire – God’s will for me of good and only good – has been right here all the time. I am ready to live the dream that was always mine. It is never too late to find my heart’s desire. My good cannot be kept from me. Fear thoughts and excuses are now…

There Are Moments

Leddy Hammock Inspired by lyrics of the song “There Are Moments” by Sue Riley, Richard Mekdeci, and Harold Payne “The first breath of the morning whispers in my ear: ‘You’ve got it all inside you.’ I open my heart and it appears! Even in an ordinary day in an ordinary life, there’s beauty all around me when I look up to see it. I…

Healing Formula

Leddy Hammock This is my healing formula: God loves me and sees me well. The place for healing to happen is right here, right where I am. Right now, in this very moment, is my healing time. I already know how to heal. God speaks my healing formula to me in the silence of prayer: “I trust you to go within to discover you already know how it feels to be whole, how to…

Up Thoughts for Down Times

 Leddy Hammock I don’t have to feel “blue.” I can choose my moods like I choose my music. I won’t let go until I find a blessing in everything that happens. We are children of the Light. We build each other up by letting go of the blues and looking up to blue skies!  

The Other Side of Grace

Magie Cook Inspired by “I Made Room for Grace” by Sue Riley: When I stumble, I won’t be defeated, since I make room for grace. I stop resisting. I make room for grace. I just step aside, open up a space, and make room for grace. Now the blessings arrive every day, since I made room for grace.