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Listen on Demand (Page 16)


Your Crown

Leddy Hammock “On the day that we met . . . I noticed a crown on the top of your head . . . .I always knew just what your crown meant. It meant that you were MAGNIFICENT.” “That means you are grand from your toes to your chin. Take a deep breath, and let that sink in . . . . and it means, like a star, YOU WERE BORN TO SHINE . . . .” “Whatever…

Know U Anywhere

Leddy Hammock from I’d Know You Anywhere” by Nancy Tillman If one day we’re walking and talking, just us, and you looked different, “I might be surprised, but just for a while. I’d know it was you by your magical smile.” Even if you had been away for a long time and didn’t look at all like yourself, “I’d say,…

Here for a Reason

Leddy Hammock from You’re Here for a Reason by Nancy Tilllman “You’re here for a reason, you certainly are. The world would be different without you, by far. If not for your hands and your eyes and your feet, the world, like a puzzle, would be incomplete. Even the smallest of things that you do blossom and multiply far beyond you.” . . .…


Leddy Hammock I am safe and secure, for I know who I am: a beloved child of my infinitely rich and generous Father-Mother God. I am secure and well-provided, for I know my treasure is in my mind, not in my things. I am secure in all I do, for I know my oneness with the divine process. I do not worry, for God takes care of me. I live my life from day to day as if…

Open Windows

Leddy Hammock Tithing means freely giving a tenth of all that I receive to spiritual works and workers ? wherever I find them ? and I am always blessed in return. Tithing to God and God’s workers reminds me that God is my instant, constant, and ever-present Source of all good. I tithe cheerfully, remembering that God is my Source of all good, and I am blessed many…

The Giving Flow

Leddy Hammock I have a “giving heart” ?  I give fearlessly and lovingly and I receive abundantly. I am a giver and my Father-Mother God is generous with me. My life is God’s gift to me.  What I do with it is my gift to God. God is my overflowing Source of all good and I am stepping into the flow.

Reverse Adversity

Leddy Hammock It isn’t what happens to me, but the good that expresses through me, that lasts. Even when things don’t seem to be working out, there is always some good, working out for me. I don’t have “problems.” I have projects! Difficulties do not come into my life to stay. They come to pass. Troubles turns into treasures when I know that…

When U Work It

Leddy Hammock I love my work, for it helps me to grow spiritually. God can only do for me what I allow God to do through me. I am open and receptive to my true calling. I am ready to follow God’s guidance obediently and to put God’s ideas to work in all that I do. I work at “earning my wings” every day with the work of my hands and the words that I…

On the Money

Leddy Hammock Jesus was not afraid to talk about money as a useful symbol of creative ideas. He taught that money does not measure my worth. Money is made with a human image; I am made in God's image. I never worry about money, for God is my Source and in God I trust. I am God's child and God always provides for me. I practice good stewardship and value money…

Prosperity Seed

Leddy Hammock I have faith in the cosmic process that unfolds in me like the life force unfolds in the lily of the field which neither toils nor spins. I am a spiritual being, living in a limitless spiritual universe, endowed with the whole potential energy flow of the universe. I am ME, a unique individualization of the universal creative process. My prosperity comes…

What U See

Leddy Hammock I am a "glass at least half full" kind of person. I am not deceived by negative appearances. I look for the Truth and I see clearly. I behold the Good in my world, for I look with positivity!

Gr-8 Attitude

Leddy Hammock I practice an attitude of gratitude. My prayers are answered as I share generously from my grateful heart. The grateful heart draws to itself great things. Perfect answers take form as I Iisten with a grateful heart.

New World Now

Leddy Hammock It isn’t what happens in the world “out there” that matters, but the way I deal with these appearances in consciousness. I go within for a higher consciousness and gather ideas of God as my Source. I build a strong consciousness of the omnipresence of substance. I do not judge by negative appearances. I have a rich mentality. In this now…

Make Your Fortune

Leddy Hammock Inspired by Chapter One of Spiritual Economics by Eric Butterworth:? My faith is the key to the Kingdom of the power within me to apply to the laws that transcend human limitation. ?I? am a spiritual being in the Allness of infinite Mind within me.? I am a living magnet, constantly drawing to me the things, the people, and the circumstances that are in…

Thought Stuff

Leddy Hammock I am open to expanding my understanding of God. I am teachable and ready to receive new ideas. My heart is open to God, my everywhere present Source of all good. I am a Child of the Universe, richly endowed with the fullness of all-good. I am ready to receive and express the free flow of divine abundance. Responsive Reading for Sunday, July 9 Responses are…

Drama Free

Sue Riley Calmly, in this present moment, I am centered and poised in the Christ Mind. Nothing can disturb the calm peace of my soul. I am peaceful, happy, and drama free. I choose what I love and I love what I choose.

Winds of Change

Judy Tafelski Positive change starts within, with the surrender of a morning prayer. As I surrender to my greatest, highest good, I stop resisting and start going with the flow. I can meet the “winds of change” that I encounter in life and grow stronger every day. Responsive Reading for Sunday, June 25 “His favor lasts a lifetime; weeping may stay for…

Guardian of My Heart

Leddy Hammock (quotations from Lessons in Truth by H. Emilie Cady: “I am a child or manifestation of God, and every moment His life, love, wisdom, power flow into and through me. I am one with God, and am governed by His law.” My own indwelling Father is “all the life and health, all the strength and peace and joy, all the wisdom and support” that…

Take a Step

Leddy Hammock (inspired by lyrics by Harold Payne): I walk in the footsteps of those who’ve gone before. And this road I travel on will lift me up and make me strong. I get my inspiration from the words of the children. I’m trying to teach myself what they already know. If I can show my fellow man what a child can understand then the seeds that I have sown…

Love Is My Energy

Leddy Hammock In the Silence, I feel the presence and peace of God. Jesus went to the mountaintop to pray. He left the crowds and his disciples to be fully present in the Silence. My mountaintop retreat may be symbolic as I seek time apart. Whether in a chapel, a favorite chair, or quiet moments carved out from a hectic schedule, I spend time in silent communion with God.…