Listen on Demand (Page 21)

Listen on Demand (Page 21)


Safe Zone

Dieter Randolph What are we talking about this Sunday? I am safe, for wherever I am, God is. I am safe, for God is mighty in the midst of me. I am safe, for in God I trust. I am safe in my safe zone: the Secret Place of the Most High, the silent space of prayer. Lord, teach me to pray.  

Moving Time

Leddy Hammock I am open and receptive to new direction to help me find my way. Land ‘O Goshen! I am sent to serve God joyously wherever I go, so I get my kicks on Route 66! By the grace of God, we have all come to the place where we are. By divine appointment, we are souls on the move. I stay out of my own way and I grow as I go, traveling light, migrating toward my…


Leddy Hammock leddy-beach2By the power of the spoken word of faith, I cast out limiting error beliefs. In the name and through the power of Jesus Christ, I speak the Truth that makes me free. I am centered in the Christ consciousness that drives out every demonic thought and establishes me in peace. In the name and nature of Jesus Christ, I now demonstrates authority over…

Planting Seeds

Leddy Hammock “The words I say come back to me.  I choose my words carefully.” “What you say is what you get. When I feel I’ve lost my way, I find perfect words to say.” “Words and thoughts are seeds that grow.  This is what I know.” “As I speak my words have power. My life opens like a flower.”

Got Power?

Dieter Randolph The power of the Holy Spirit is mighty in the midst of my own inner self. I am grateful for the wisdom and power of the indwelling Christ, manifesting now. Right here, right now, I am centered in the love and power of the Holy Spirit. In the stillness, I find the strength to meet anything and everything, right here inside.

Bitter or Better?

Leddy Hammock When life has not turned out like I thought it would, it has seemed hard to find the good. Wise ones have said to me that there’s no greater teacher than adversity. First I asked, “Why?” and shook my fists at the sky and cried, and then I make it to the other side. Bitter or better, the choice is up to me. What will I do?  What’s…

Holding On

Leddy Hammock (inspired by lyrics by David Roth) I won’t batten down my hatches of resistance. I will use this opportunity to grow. I may not have made the perfect choices or done the best I could.  But holding on does not contribute to my very highest good. When I’m on the other side, I’ll know that letting go of all the things I didn’t need…

Perfect Peace

Phyllis DeBella Perfect peace, that’s what I want; not from the outside, but from the inside. I believe that the Holy Spirit has peace for me, no matter what is going on in the outer. Perfect peace, that’s what I want; no more anxiety, no more argument. I believe in perfect peace, and I am thankful.  I let it flow and now I know perfect peace.

Breathe the AIRR

Judy Tafelski I experience life!  With each breath, I feel God’s life. With every breath, I understand what is happening to me in my life. With every breath, I discern God’s life filling my life with love. I live in love, so I decide to respond to life fully: to let go of holding on, and just breathe.

Looking Good

I am made in Love, designed to see myself as God sees me. The more clearly I see myself for who I am in potential, the more clearly I express that innate divinity. As I remember who I am – God’s beloved Child – I act from my spiritual nature. I behold myself and others with wisdom and love. The good we are in Being is the good that I am seeing.

Remind Me

Leddy Hammock (from lyrics by David Roth): “You are rolling out your carpet of forgiveness and you give me solid ground to find my way. When I try too hard and feel so empty, You remind me that I’m good enough. You remind me that I’m always forgiven. You remind me that I’m always loved.”

Magic Friendship Kit

Dieter Randolph I look around me here today and see that we share a heart connection. We are reminded that we are not alone. We are all friends here. We journey together, even through heartache toward healing, even through pain toward peace. We are not alone.  We are all friends here. Every day, we are all learning to walk through grief to gratefulness, from…

Something Wonderful

Leddy Hammock I am a Child of God, heir to the kingdom of all good and ready to live the dream that was always mine. It is never too late to find my heart’s desire, for it’s been here all the time. I make way for saving grace by clearing out the clutter of old excuses. I am now ready and worthy to accept my heart’s desire. I know that nothing is too…

God’s House

Leddy Hammock As best I can, my heart is an open heart. I let myself be a spiritual being, currently going through a human experience, trying to lighten up life’s loads, whether tears or laughter flow, as best I can. My home is a kindness home, like Abraham’s, where a stranger’s always welcome. If they’re hungry, then they eat.  If…

Where is God?

Leddy Hammock Like the air around me, like the sunlight on my face, I feel the love of God surround me and I am touched by amazing grace. All I ever wanted and all I ever needed was already there, closer than the sunlight, nearer than the air. I breathe in and I am filled with the Spirit.  It is health to my body, strength to my mind, and joy to my soul. I breathe…

R U Willing?

Dieter Randolph I now make the decision to turn my will and my life over to the care of God as I understood God. My will is my thoughts and my words, which shape my reality by the law of attraction. Divine Spirit is directing me now. I am free from yesterday and the mistakes of the past. All things are made brand new. I will to let God be God. It feels so good to know…