Patterns of Spiritual Gifts
Leddy Hammock “When you are in lack, speak with words of praise. If you count them, you will find your blessings will amaze. When you are in fear, spread the gift of love. The joy of calm and peace of mind surround you like a glove. When anger fills your heart, understanding is your gift, to put your life in harmony and give everyone a lift. When you are in pain,…
“Step Back, Slow Down”
Leddy Hammock “I’m so caught up in all my stuff; no matter what I do, it’s never enough . . . . Avalanche of paper, no time to read. A moment to myself would be a friend indeed. Ninety miles an hour and standing still. If I don’t do it, nobody else will. Step back, slow down. Smell the roses and kiss the ground. Just breathe, don’t sweat it.…
“It Works When You Work It”
Leddy Hammock “It works, when I work it! My good comes pouring through. It works, when I work it – these principles of Truth. … I know that I am ready to receive …. If I trust my heart to lead, then love comes pouring through …. My good will know my face. I’m making room for miracles and saving room for grace.”
“Closer than You Think”
Leddy Hammock “When all your dreams are hooked on a shooting star and the star falls down, remember how great you are. You are the guiding star you need…. Your day in the sun, the moment seems lost in time, when the sun sinks low, remember how bright you shine. You are the only light you need…. The road is long, and you feel weary. Take one more step, you are nearly…
“Go with the Flow”
Leddy Hammock “I wake up in the morning in the flow of love. Another day is dawning, in the flow of love. I take a deep breath from below and above, Ready to begin now, in the flow of love. Happiness that’s showing, in the flow of love, Joy that’s overflowin’, in the flow of love. Feeling peace inside, what I’m dreaming of, Letting my heart…
It’s Up to Me!
Leddy Hammock “If I seek the Truth, let me speak the Truth. If I’m lost in doubt, let me believe. I know I can be the change I want to see. If it’s to be, it’s up to me. If I’m feeling stressed, let me stop and rest. If I’m feeling hurt, let me forgive. I know I can be the change I want to see. If it’s to be, it’s up to me.…
Who We Become
Leddy Hammock “Keep your eyes on the prize, but don’t fret if you stray, because the most important thing is who you become along the way. It’s how you love, how you live, how you laugh, how you give. Yes, the most important thing is who you become along the way.”
“What I Can Do”
Leddy Hammock Inspired by lyrics to “Do What I Can Do” by Sue Riley, Richard Mekdeci, and Gary Lynn Floyd: “Look around, what do I see? Good or bad, it’s up to me. My world reflects what I believe. Here’s what I believe. I know there’s good in everyone. I know the best is yet to come. Look out world, ’cause I’m not done,…
Sweeping Up My Own Side of the Street
Inspired by lyrics from “Sweeping Up My Own Side of the Street” by Sue Riley & Melinda Wood Allen: “Taking time to stop and smell the roses on the way, planting what I want to see, pruning what’s not serving me, tending my own garden every day. I’m exactly where I’m meant to be. Every step I take just moves me closer to my dreams.…
Think Positive
Leddy Hammock “I am the thinker who thinks the thought that changes things that shape my life. I am the thinker who thinks the thought. I have the power to change my life…. If you ask me “Who am I?” I am wisdom, I am light. I am more than meets the eye. I cannot be defined…. If you ask me “What am I?” I am beauty, I am joy. I am more than…
Hand of God
Leddy Hammock “We are held in the hands of grace, forever safe in the arms of Love. Like a child receives protection from a mother’s warm embrace, we are held in the hands of grace.”
Leddy Hammock “There’s a trail waitin’ ’round the bend. It’s a brand new day I can breathe again…. Somewhere beyond the lines, sweet independence shines. And I will cleanse my soul in a mountain stream, face down my fears and dare to dream. And for that moment of quiet dignity, I will feel what it’s like to be free.”
Better Days
Leddy Hammock Better days are coming, better times are near. . . . Change is never easy, but it starts inside ourselves, something very possible to do. The door to the heart only opens from inside, and if we’re brave enough to step on through, better days will come for me and you. In the darkest hour, light comes shining through. Days will be much brighter, lived…
Father Will Fix It
Listen to your Father, no matter the reason, the hour of the night, the time or the season, no matter what your trouble is, you can count on Him…. When the rain is fallin’ and your heart is heavy and your candle’s burning dim…. When the money’s gone and the lights go out, when you’re feelin’ sad and full of doubt…. Life can get a little bumpy…
Jesus & Healing
Leddy Hammock God loves me and wants me to be well. The place for healing is right here and right now. I can feel healing happening, moment by moment. God speaks to me in the silence of prayer, reminding me to go within to discover that I already know how it feels to be whole, how to heal.
Strong and Courageous
Denise Rosier “I’ve heard it said that we’re small and alone on our path but my mind is set on a life greater than that. And my heart is open wide. My heart will be open wide.” “I listen inside to the whisper – I’m all that I need.” “I am worthy! All that’s good that flows from above . . . all the joy and love that a…
Leddy Hammock Inspired by “Allowing” by Susie Hulcher: “It’s all about allowing, allowing peace within, in absolute surrender so serenity begins. For when the storm subsided, and calm becomes a wave, it’s all about allowing it to stay. It’s all about allowing, allowing love to flow. It’s setting down your burden and just simply…
House of the Soul’s Belonging
Leddy Hammock Leddy Hammock in St. Louis Inspired by lyrics from “House of the Soul’s Belonging” by JD Martin, Jan Garrett: “In the kingdom of love there is no competition. There is no contradiction, and no control. But you can take possession, and claim your passion, working on a building that cannot be bought or sold. Step into the feeling of…
Teaching Love
Inspired by “” by Jan Garrett, JD Martin, Harold Payne and Freebo: God is one and God is Love. “I had a dream, a vision, woke up singing in the middle of the night, that the world had finally got it right. It’s got nothing to do with history, or which side has lost or won. It’s got everything, everything to do with love.” Love is our…
Love Wins
Leddy Hammock in St. Louis Inspired by lyrics to “Love Wins” by Jan Garrett and JD Martin: “You might win a battle, you could win a race, out-run your rivals, come in first place. Don’t lose your center in the push and the shove. Simply surrender and tune into love. Love knows no boundaries, it’s the light in our eyes–familiar to all,…