Posts by libsyn (Page 23)

Posts by libsyn (Page 23)

Live Your Life

Leddy Hammock “Wake up, lay down the burden.  Leave it alone, it’s time to move on.” “Step up with a light heart.  Shine it all around . . . .” “With a word, like a prayer, send it out everywhere, it will grow — And the Truth of this Force leads us back to the Source we all know. Live out the best of your life!”

Hallelujah Today

Leddy Hammock “The road is long but I will make it! That’s who I am! It’s not the race, but how I’m running, not who I was, but who I’m becoming. Steady on, I’ll finish strong on this path. Hallelujah today! With every mile I’m reminded that I never go empty-handed. God is my strength. I’m never stranded. I’m not…

It Came to Pass

Leddy Hammock Things are not as bad as they seem and I am stronger than I knew. I call on God to help me, but it’s already done. Everything God is, I am. The battle has been won. Inside my own heart, I find hope and the courage to go on. When I face my fears, I can see they are all just illusion. I want to make the difference. I want to be the way. And when I want…

Your Miracle

Leddy Hammock From Peter Mayer’s song, “Holy Now” — “I remember feeling sad that miracles don’t happen still. But now I can’t keep track . . . ’cause everything’s a miracle…. See another new morning come and say it’s not a sacrament – I tell you that it can’t be done. This morning, outside I stood and saw a…

Song Unsung

Daniel Nahmod From lyrics by Daniel Nahmod to “Raising the Veil” “I’m raising the veil between me and my God. No separation. No distance at all. God is right here in my heart. I’m raising the veil. I want to know you, O God . . . . I want to see You, O God . . . . God is right here in my heart. I’m, raising the veil. I want to praise…


Leddy Hammock Lyrics to “Divine Order” by Leddy Hammock/Sue Riley (“12 Women of the Chalice” CD). “Let there be less of me. Let there be more of Thee – less of the human, more of the Divine, less that belongs to me, more that is Thine, more of God’s nature, less that is mine. Not personality: Individuality. More of the Christ Self,…

Faith & Begorrah

Leddy Hammock An Irish Blessing – “May the road rise up to meet you. May the wind be always at your back. May the sunshine warm upon your face; the rains falls soft upon your fields, And until we meet again, may God hold you in the palm of His hand.”


Leddy Hammock From lyrics to "Get Ready, My Soul" by Daniel Nahmod: "Everything I've ever done, everything I've ever seen, everything I've lost or won, everything I've ever dreamed, has brought me here to the present moment, here, to a new beginning, here and I'm seeing life so clearly now." Here I go, deeper, deeper, deeper than…

Leap into Lent

Leddy Hammock “Moving forward through uncharted water with only my heart as my guide, one thing I know for certain:  what I need is a leap of faith. I know if I start to falter, You’ll give me the strength to go on. Though I might waver, I’m certain of this:  what I’m needing is a leap of faith. I need faith to believe in the wisdom of…

Draw Us Together

Leddy Hammock I am not here by accident. I am here in this place by divine appointment. Since God is everywhere equally present, whenever I turn my attention to the presence of the Good, I dwell in the House of the Lord. Wherever I am–either alone or gathered with others in prayer– my heart is in a holy place. In Genesis, we read that Jacob fell asleep, alone in the…