Posts by Russ Hammock (Page 42)

Posts by Russ Hammock (Page 42)

Breathe the AIRRJudy Tafelski

I experience life!  With each breath, I feel God’s life. With every breath, I understand what is happening to me in my life. With every breath, I discern God’s life filling my life with love. I live in love, so I decide to respond to life fully: to let go of holding on, and just breathe.

Looking GoodDieter Randolph

I am made in Love, designed to see myself as God sees me. The more clearly I see myself for who I am in potential, the more clearly I express that innate divinity. As I remember who I am – God’s beloved Child – I act from my spiritual nature. I behold myself and others with wisdom and love. The good we are in Being is the good that I am seeing.

Magic Friendship KitDieter Randolph

I look around me here today and see that we share a heart connection. We are reminded that we are not alone. We are all friends here. We journey together, even through heartache toward healing, even through pain toward peace. We are not alone.  We are all friends here. Every day, we are all learning to walk through grief to gratefulness, from aloneness to all-one-ness. We…