Posts by Russ Hammock (Page 9)
Season of Light – Leddy Hammock
Inspired by lyrics to “Be the Light” by Karen Drucker and Claudia Carawan Like a candle flame in a window pane, or embers burning by the fireside, as we celebrate, we illuminate, the light we shine is multiplied. And the angels sing, with the love that we bring. In the blackest night, there’s a shining light, shining so bright. Be the light that shines in the dark. Be the…
A Stable Season – Leddy Hammock
Inspired by lyrics to “Stables” by Peter Mayer: Make of my heart a cradle, Lord, so Love will come and lay there. Make of my heart a shelter, Lord, so Love will come and stay there. Make of my heart a manger, Lord, where Love’s the only answer. Make of my heart a stable, Lord, glowing with light for miles in the darkness, so Love will find its way there.
Search the Sky – Leddy Hammock
Inspired by lyrics to “Search the Sky” by Sloan Wainwright: Search the sky for that star—star of light, star of love, bright enough to guide believers from afar. Let there be peace around our troubled world, peace within ourselves. We’ve traveled such a long way. Let us not forget what for. And when we gaze upon that star of light, star of love, we hope for the only gift:…
The Art of Receiving – Leddy Hammock
My life is in order and I am ready to receive my good. I do not make excuses. I make ready. My mind is now open, my heart is receptive to be healed and happy. I am open to give love and to receive love, to love and to be loved.
Light at Your Table – Leddy Hammock
Lyrics to “May the Light of Love” by David Roth As we come around to take our places at the table, a moment to remember and reflect upon our wealth. Here’s to loving friends and family, here’s to being able to gather here together in good company and health. May the light of love be shining deep within your spirit. May the torch of mercy clear the path and show the…
Room for Grace – Leddy Hammock
Inspired by “I Made Room for Grace” by Sue Riley): When I stumble, I won’t be defeated, since I make room for grace. I stop resisting. I make room for grace. I just step aside, open up a space, and make room for grace. Now the blessings arrive every day, since I made room for grace.
Attitude of Gratitude – Leddy Hammock
I practice an attitude of gratitude. My prayers are answered as I share generously from my grateful heart. The grateful heart draws to itself great things. Perfect answers take form as I keep a good and grateful attitude.
Mirror Mirror – Leddy Hammock
Inspired by lyrics from “The Part of Me that Is You” by Sue Riley & Richard Mekdeci: “When the world tells me I’m less than whole, I hear these words, spoken from my soul: ‘A Child of Mine will not inherit disease.’ I am a Child of peace. The part of me that is You knows only health and wholeness. The part of me that is You knows only love and joy. The part of me that…
There for You – Leddy Hammock
Lyrics to “There for You” by Roger Tomhave, Claudia Carawan, & Melinda Wood Allen: If God had hands, there’d only be one on your shoulder. If God could speak, the words would bless everything you do. Take my hand, I’ll stand beside you. Together we’ll make it through. Take my love, now and always, I will be there for you. If God has ears, they’d listen to what you’re…
Meet You Where You Are – Leddy Hammock
Lyrics to “Meet You where You Are” by Melinda Wood Allen & David Roth: Oh my friend, I will meet you where you are. I won’t throw flower petals on your wounded heart. If it’s not okay we won’t pretend, But if it’s not okay, it’s not the end. Aren’t you stronger than you ever used to be? At least that’s the way it seems to me, if not to you. Aren’t you the one who’s…