Church Blog (Page 10)

Church Blog (Page 10)

Are You Worthy?

Leddy Hammock God has not turned away from me. My purpose is to become ready, willing, and worthy to receive God’s blessings. I am more than God’s servant; I am God’s beloved child. I’m ready, willing and worthy to open my heart and receive all of the heavenly blessings there for me when I believe. When I’m ready, willing and worthy, God is…

Are You Worthy – Leddy Hammock

God has not turned away from me. My purpose is to become ready, willing, and worthy to receive God’s blessings. I am more than God’s servant; I am God’s beloved child. I’m ready, willing and worthy to open my heart and receive all of the heavenly blessings there for me when I believe. When I’m ready, willing and worthy, God is able to bless me!

Attitude of Gratitude

Leddy Hammock I practice an attitude of gratitude. My prayers are answered as I share generously from my grateful heart. The grateful heart draws to itself great things. Perfect answers take form as I keep a good and grateful attitude.  

Love Cover Me

Leddy Hammock From lyrics to “Love Cover Me” words & music by Gary Lynn Floyd & Danny Miller: Love cover me, I will not be shaken. I will not be moved. Love cover me, may my heart awaken.… Love cover me. Love, I invite you to open up this heart of mine. As time has unfolded me, it has revealed to me life’s nothing less than sublime. With every…

Love Cover Me – Leddy Hammock

From lyrics to “Love Cover Me” words & music by Gary Lynn Floyd & Danny Miller: Love cover me, I will not be shaken. I will not be moved. Love cover me, may my heart awaken.… Love cover me. Love, I invite you to open up this heart of mine. As time has unfolded me, it has revealed to me life’s nothing less than sublime. With every thought I make.… may I be gracious…

Still Yourself

Carol Record Inspired by lyrics to “Still Yourself” by Richard Mekdeci and Mario Friedel “Your path is true. There’s a guiding light that shines inside of you.” “Still yourself. Still yourself. In the silence you will find your way.” “Still yourself. Still yourself. Still yourself and heal yourself. The strength you seek is…

Still Yourself – Carol Record

Inspired by lyrics to “Still Yourself” by Richard Mekdeci and Mario Friedel “Your path is true. There’s a guiding light that shines inside of you.” “Still yourself. Still yourself. In the silence you will find your way.” “Still yourself. Still yourself. Still yourself and heal yourself. The strength you seek is just a breath away.” “Strength flows from stillness like a…

How To Be Centered in the Storm

Leddy Hammock Lyrics to “Centered in the Storm” by Richard Mekdeci, Karen Taylor-Good & Richard Patier” “I close my eyes and calm my soul, I feel the Truth within me and I let It take control.   …  I’m centered in the storm and I know I’m not alone, The thunder is the voice of God leading me home.     When…

How To Be Centered in the Storm – Leddy Hammock

Lyrics to “Centered in the Storm” by Richard Mekdeci, Karen Taylor-Good & Richard Patier” “I close my eyes and calm my soul, I feel the Truth within me and I let It take control. … I’m centered in the storm and I know I’m not alone, The thunder is the voice of God leading me home. When I’m…