Church Blog (Page 13)

Church Blog (Page 13)


Leddy Hammock From lyrics to “Crossroads” by Joy Katzen-Guthrie and Lisette Brodey: There’s so much to learn, just heeding our inner voice … at the crossroads of life. Life is a challenge we must face . . . God guides us on our way. As we move on, we look down the road . . . while a new life waits for us to arrive. Love only grows and grows at the…

Crossroads – Leddy Hammock

From lyrics to “Crossroads” by Joy Katzen-Guthrie and Lisette Brodey: There’s so much to learn, just heeding our inner voice … at the crossroads of life. Life is a challenge we must face . . . God guides us on our way. As we move on, we look down the road . . . while a new life waits for us to arrive. Love only grows and grows at the crossroads of life.


Leddy Hammock From lyrics by Sloan Wainwright to “I Am Free” — I am free, by the Truth in each moment, by the love heaven sent. I won’t walk like a slave today, chained to my regret My past and my future fade. I forgive, I won’t forget. I won’t talk like a slave today, suffering to survive…. I find myself alive. I am free, right where I am—a…

Freedom – Leddy Hammock

From lyrics by Sloan Wainwright to “I Am Free” — I am free, by the Truth in each moment, by the love heaven sent. I won’t walk like a slave today, chained to my regret My past and my future fade. I forgive, I won’t forget. I won’t talk like a slave today, suffering to survive…. I find myself alive. I am free, right where I am—a piece of the puzzle, a part of the plan.

Expect the Best

Leddy Hammock Negative expectations come to nothing, while positive and loving thoughts are manifesting now. Every good thought, like an angel presence, goes before me to make my way easy, safe, prosperous, and happy. I deny the stumbling blocks of doubt, fear, and worry, and instead I build up a strong and positive consciousness that paves the way to good outcomes. I…

Expect the Best – Leddy Hammock

Negative expectations come to nothing, while positive and loving thoughts are manifesting now. Every good thought, like an angel presence, goes before me to make my way easy, safe, prosperous, and happy. I deny the stumbling blocks of doubt, fear, and worry, and instead I build up a strong and positive consciousness that paves the way to good outcomes. I reflect on the…

Calling Father – Leddy Hammock

Inspired by lyrics from “Father’s Day” by Johnsmith In my heart, I hear my Father say that He loves me. “Like rain falling gently upon fallow ground. I felt the fields of my heart turn green on those few small words my father said to me. So, now, I try to say ‘I love you’ every chance I get. It’s funny how a few small words can run so deep, make a baby smile make a grown…

Calling Father

Leddy Hammock Inspired by lyrics from “Father’s Day” by Johnsmith In my heart, I hear my Father say that He loves me. “Like rain falling gently upon fallow ground. I felt the fields of my heart turn green on those few small words my father said to me. So, now, I try to say ‘I love you’ every chance I get. It’s funny how a few…

Room for Grace

Leddy Hammock Based on lyrics from “I Made Room for Grace” by Sue Riley and Melinda Wood Allen I live without making demands. I am happy, just doing the best that I can. When I stop resisting, I get what I needed – and so much more. Rather than insisting on my own way, I open my arms in surrender. Since I made room for grace, I just stepped aside and opened up…

Room for Grace – Leddy Hammock

Based on lyrics from “I Made Room for Grace” by Sue Riley and Melinda Wood Allen I live without making demands. I am happy, just doing the best that I can. When I stop resisting, I get what I needed – and so much more. Rather than insisting on my own way, I open my arms in surrender. Since I made room for grace, I just stepped aside and opened up a space. Now the…