Church Blog (Page 34)
There Are Moments
Leddy Hammock Inspired by lyrics of the song “There Are Moments” by Sue Riley, Richard Mekdeci, and Harold Payne “The first breath of the morning whispers in my ear: ‘You’ve got it all inside you.’ I open my heart and it appears! Even in an ordinary day in an ordinary life, there’s beauty all around me when I look up to see it. I…
Healing Formula
Leddy Hammock This is my healing formula: God loves me and sees me well. The place for healing to happen is right here, right where I am. Right now, in this very moment, is my healing time. I already know how to heal. God speaks my healing formula to me in the silence of prayer: “I trust you to go within to discover you already know how it feels to be whole, how to…
Jim Niswender
Up Thoughts for Down Times
Leddy Hammock I don’t have to feel “blue.” I can choose my moods like I choose my music. I won’t let go until I find a blessing in everything that happens. We are children of the Light. We build each other up by letting go of the blues and looking up to blue skies!
Jayme Claire O’Daniel
The Other Side of Grace
Magie Cook Inspired by “I Made Room for Grace” by Sue Riley: When I stumble, I won’t be defeated, since I make room for grace. I stop resisting. I make room for grace. I just step aside, open up a space, and make room for grace. Now the blessings arrive every day, since I made room for grace.
Another Jar of Blessings
Leddy Hammock Inspired by lyrics to “Go Out and Shine” by Sue Riley, Glen Roethel, and Melinda Wood Allen: Keeping my thoughts centered on what I want to see in my life and letting kindness be my guide, I go out and shine my light! I see the world, not as it seems, but as I am, and I am in unity with God: one voice, one hand, one heart. If I want a change, I…
A Jar Full of Blessings
Leddy Hammock My Jar Full of Blessings: I have an open and receptive attitude, for God’s will for me is good and only good. I have an attitude of gratitude for all the lessons I am learning. I have an attitude of trust in God to guide me and provide for me. I have an attitude of interest and appreciation for all the good God has for me. Check out this episode!
Working for a Living
Leddy Hammock In this wonderful life, I reap what I sow. All God’s good is mine to give and to receive. My life is God’s gift to me; what I do with my life is my gift to God and to the world. I am a good worker: I serve with a song in my heart and I give thanks to God, my Source. My job is to live the good life: to do my best, to love, and to…
Don’t Ask
Leddy Hammock Inspired by lyrics to “Pray” by Susan Clark There are no magic words for me to say, for God hears me anyway. Each day holds a blessing that is only a thought away. There is no magic place I need to go, no secret handshake I need to know. My mind is open to the blessings that are only a thought away. There is no magic wand for me to wave. There is…