Church Blog (Page 36)
What R U Saying? Leddy Hammock
Prodigal You
Leddy Hammock Inspired by lyrics to “Ready, Willing, and Worthy” by Richard Mekdeci: The story of the Prodigal reveals my own soul journey of spiritual ‘worthship.’ “I’m ready, willing and worthy to open my heart and receive all of the heavenly blessings there for me when I believe.” As I “come to myself,” I am in the…
Prodigal You Leddy Hammock
Jim Ivins
A self-taught guitarist, singer, and songwriter, Jim, born to musical parents, benefited from vocal lessons since age 14. His first band was called the Mud Pies, and in the late 60s, he played in a Morocco band called Excaliber.
Leddy Hammock Inspired by lyrics from “Gone!” by Faith Rivera and David Roth: “Gone – all the baggage that has burdened me. Gone – all the troubles I no longer need. Now is the moment that I do release – it’s gone!” “Gone is the weight that had me slowin’ down. Gone are the habits that I kept around. Now is the moment that I do…
Gone! Leddy Hammock
Your Potential
Leddy Hammock Inspired by lyrics to “Let It Out” by Faith Rivera and Richard Mekdeci: “I have within me greater power than that I have used, more life than I have lived, more strength than I have known.” “I have within me, greater dreams to come true, more willingness to change, more love to give away,” “I have within me greater…
Your Potential Leddy Hammock
Jesus’ Father
Leddy Hammock Inspired by lyrics to “God Is” by Richard Mekdeci “Wherever we are, God is. Wherever we go, God is. Let everybody know God is, and all is well. Whenever we give, God is. Whenever we love, God is. There’s always gonna be enough, ’cause God is and all is well.” “Whenever we give, God is. Whenever we love, God is.…