Church Blog (Page 44)

Church Blog (Page 44)

Breaking Spells

Leddy Hammock Inspired by lyrics by Steve Gillette in “A Little Bit of Solitude” — Thank You, God, for the patience to stand back and be kind. I keep my mind and heart always open to a sense of wonder. I know there’s no such thing as falling under one “spell” or another. We know we’re getting closer to a far better place, and we know…

Making the Grade

  Leddy Hammock   There is a lesson to be learned in every experience. Every lesson is worthwhile and we teach as we learn. Whatever we go through, it's what we grow through that counts. Life is a school. What we used to call "problems" we now call "projects." The inner Teacher sends a message: peace and harmony.  

Easy Decisions

Leddy Hammock “Speak to Him, thou, for He hears, and Spirit with Spirit can meet- Closer is He than breathing, and nearer than hands and feet” — “The Higher Pantheism” a poem by Alfred, Lord Tennyson “All I ever wanted and all I ever needed was already there. Closer than the sunlight, nearer than the air.” – “Nearer than the…

Changing Other People

Leddy Hammock From lyrics to “What Needs Changing in the World” by Freebo:   “What needs changing in the world, maybe it could be the way I’d like it to be: No more fighting in the neighborhood, hearts united for the sake of good, No more hunger and no more greed.  Everybody’s rich, happy and free.” “What can I do to…