Church Blog (Page 45)
Brian O’Donnell
Off the Deep End
Leddy Hammock From lyrics by Karen Drucker – “Let Go of the Shore” — “Let go of the shore, and let the water carry you. Let go of the shore. Float into the mystery . . . . You have all you need. It’s all inside of you. Just close your eyes and breathe, and know that you are safe. Let go of the shore and let the water carry you. Let go of the shore.…
Off the Deep End Leddy Hammock
Love Draws a Circle
Leddy Hammock Inspired by “The Infinite Surface of the Heart” by Sloan Waiwright, Sue Riley, & David Roth “Ever expanding, endless canvass, the infinite surface of the heart.” There is more than enough room in the circle of my heart for forgiveness, acceptance, and love. There is more than enough room in the circle of my heart for the flowing…
Love Draws a Circle Leddy Hammock
Love Shows Up
Leddy Hammock Inspired by “Show Up” by Richard Mekdeci, Glen Roethel, and Claudia Carawan: I want to show up as love, hold the door open for everyone, fill the room below to above. I want to show up as love.”I want to show up as peace, see no brother as the least, listen more than I speak. I want to show up as love. I want to show up as peace. I’m…
Love Shows Up Leddy Hammock
The Whole Truth
Leddy Hammock From “The Whole in the Part” in Celebrate Yourself! by Eric Butterworth: “You live in the universe and you are a part within the whole. . . . the whole of things is also within you, and there can never be a separation.’” “Wherever Spirit is at all, the whole of Spirit must be. And because God or Spirit is omnipresent, the whole…
The Whole Truth Leddy Hammock
Leddy Hammock Inspired by lyrics to Karen Taylor Good’s “Work of Art” — “I know somewhere, not so deep inside of me, lives that perfect soul that I was meant to be.” My life is a labor of love as I work at learning self-worth and unconditional love of others. Fear and doubt fade away as my true self emerges. “Let me be the way I was…