Church Blog (Page 46)

Church Blog (Page 46)

What You Can Do

Leddy Hammock Inspired by lyrics to “I Can Do what I Can Do” by Sue Riley, Gary Lynn Floyd, and Richard Mekdeci: Look around, what do I see? Good or bad, it’s up to me. My world reflects what I believe, Here’s what I believe: I know there’s good in everyone, I feel/know the best is yet to come. I want to love like crazy, shine like gold, be…

Prayer that Never Fails

Leddy Hammock Inspired by lyrics by Susan Clark to “Pray” ? I pray about those who have stumbled, who seem to have lost their way. I pray that they are finding their path to a brighter day. There are no magic words for me to say.  I don’t even have to open my mouth, for God hears me, anyway. I know that God forgives me, as I forgive those who…

Guidance System

Leddy Hammock Inspired by lyrics by Jana Stanfield to “Let Your Life Lead You”: I trust my inner guidance, for my heart knows its way. There’s a current, I know, that knows where to go to carry me to peace of mind. I relax and let the river flow. I let life teach what I need to know. I let my life lead me where I need to go.

Voice of Silence

Leddy Hammock Lyrics to “In the Silence” by Jack Fowler ? “In the silence, there is peace. In the silence, there is unspoken joy. In the silence, there’s release from a world full of chaos and noise. So I wait for these precious moments when I hear all that could never be said. And right here, in this holy silence, I find God, I find myself.”

Expect the Best – Leddy Hammock

Leddy Hammock Lyrics to “Expect the Best” by Richard Mekdeci: “I know that I’m loved, right where I stand, I know I’m enough, just as I am. All that I want, all I desire, is now waiting here for me. The universe conspires to insure my happiness, so, I expect the best. I know that I’m loved, right where I stand, I know I’m enough,…