Church Blog (Page 47)

Church Blog (Page 47)

Turn Here

Leddy Hammock "Jonah's Story," or "How to Turn Your Life Around" When my best thinking has gotten me into my worst situations, the only way I can change my life is by changing my thinking. To turn a negative experience around, I forgive, I listen with my heart, and I turn my thoughts in a positive direction. I wake up from self-limiting thought. I…

One Power

Leddy Hammock Lyrics by Daniel Nahmod to “One Power” ? “There’s one Power, invisible, and you see it everywhere and every day ? one Power, indescribable ? and you speak of it with every word you say; mysterious, until you know the Truth, as simple as the love inside of you. Call it God, call it Spirit, call it Jesus, call it Lord, Call it Buddha,…

Power of Amen

Leddy Hammock Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy name. Divine Mind, expressing as infinite Wisdom, Your name is Love. Amen, and so it is. Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. As in spiritual consciousness, so also let it be in my world. Amen, and so it is. Give us this day our daily bread. We are receptive right here and now to…