Church Blog (Page 5)

Church Blog (Page 5)

Peace in Our Lifetime – Leddy Hammock

Inspired by lyrics to the “Peace in Our Lifetime” chant by Richard Mekdeci: One life, one love, one peace in our lifetime – one life at a time. One Truth, one world, one peace in our lifetime – one life at a time. One life, one love, one life at a time – one life at a time. One voice, one choice one peace in our lifetime; one prayer, one dream – one life at a time.

Everywhere and Always – Carol Record

Inspired by lyrics to “God Is” by Richard Mekdeci, based on the “Prayer for Protection” by James Dillet Freeman: “In the morning when I rise and before I close my eyes, Anytime I’m in despair, I just speak this little prayer — When the cold winds start to blow and they beat upon your door, Every night will have its dawn, hold this thought as you hold on — We all hear the…

The Mother Side of God – Leddy Hammock

Inspired by lyrics from “Footprints” by Sue Riley: The Mother side of God’s Love is selfless and unconditional, as if to say, “Stay right behind me and I will lead the way.” The Mother side of God’s love knows how to let go, as if to say, “I know you are frightened, but I will keep you safe.” The Mother side of God’s Love gives life as a labor of love, as if to say, “You…

The Mother Side of God

Leddy Hammock Inspired by lyrics from “Footprints” by Sue Riley: The Mother side of God’s Love is selfless and unconditional, as if to say, “Stay right behind me and I will lead the way.” The Mother side of God’s love knows how to let go, as if to say, “I know you are frightened, but I will keep you safe.” The Mother side of…

Closer than You Think – Leddy Hammock

Inspired by lyrics to “Closer than You Think” – Sue Riley, Glen Roethel & Melinda Wood Allen: “When all your dreams are hooked on a shooting star And the star falls down, remember how great you are. You are the guiding star you need…. Your day in the sun, the moment seems lost in time, When the sun sinks low, remember how bright you shine. You are the only light you…

Closer than You Think

Leddy Hammock Inspired by lyrics to “Closer than You Think” – Sue Riley, Glen Roethel & Melinda Wood Allen:   “When all your dreams are hooked on a shooting star And the star falls down, remember how great you are. You are the guiding star you need….   Your day in the sun, the moment seems lost in time, When the sun sinks low, remember how…

Joy in the Journey

Leddy Hammock Inspired by lyrics to “Joy in the Journey” by Megon McDonough: God guides and provides, shelters and sustains us. The joy is in the journey. The Spirit of the LORD goes with us and before us, by day and by night, to show the way. Our journey has been long and not always easy. In the fullness of time, we have never wanted for any good thing. Even…

Joy in the Journey – Leddy Hammock

Inspired by lyrics to “Joy in the Journey” by Megon McDonough: God guides and provides, shelters and sustains us. The joy is in the journey. The Spirit of the LORD goes with us and before us, by day and by night, to show the way. Our journey has been long and not always easy. In the fullness of time, we have never wanted for any good thing. Even when we could not see the…

God’s Green Earth

Leddy Hammock Inspired by lyrics to “Pay Attention” Joyce Johnson Rouse (Earth Mama), based on wisdom attributed to Chief Seattle):     Pay attention to the trees, pay attention to the river. Pay attention to the bees.  Pay attention to the weather.   Pay attention to the waters, to the dreams, to the forests, to the streams. Pay…

God’s Green Earth – Leddy Hammock

Inspired by lyrics to “Pay Attention” Joyce Johnson Rouse (Earth Mama), based on wisdom attributed to Chief Seattle):     Pay attention to the trees, pay attention to the river. Pay attention to the bees.  Pay attention to the weather.   Pay attention to the waters, to the dreams, to the forests, to the streams. Pay attention to the glaciers,…