Church Blog (Page 50)
What You Say Leddy Hammock
Gaye Ditzler
Know Thyself Leddy Hammock
Here on Earth
Leddy Hammock God is all there is. In the beginning, God. Jesus said that “I and my Father are one.” We’re made in the image and likeness of the One. Since God is what we are, let God be what we show. Let’s see the God in every face, everywhere we go. Our mind is divine in the garden of our soul. We let in love, faith, and happiness, and witness…
Here on Earth Leddy Hammock
More than Enough
Leddy Hammock Inspired by lyrics by Jana Stanfield: I give and serve in love, so I always have more than enough of all that I need to do all I can do and to be all I can be. Compared to where we were, we’ve come all this far. Let us spend the day enjoying where we are. We learn to give generously and to receive gratefully. We take a quick look back at dreams…
More than Enough Leddy Hammock
Miracle for Breakfast
Leddy Hammock Even in the dark night of the soul, it begins to dawn on me that the presence of the Christ is always right here with me. As I begin to think right thoughts, good results begin to surface in my life, rapidly and abundantly. I take a leap of faith, knowing that my good is already prepared for me. In this bright new day, I give thanks, for I am having a…
New Day-No Foolin’
Leddy Hammock The 23rd Psalm (New International Version) is the basis for this powerful Resurrection message, inspired also by lyrics by Sue Riley. Jesus knew this prayer by heart and lived it perfectly. As we also learn this message by heart, we welcome a brand new day. No foolin’!
Swing Wide the Doors
Leddy Hammock Inspired by lyrics by Denise Rosier from “Hallelujah Today!” The road is long but I will make it. That’s who I am. It’s not the race but how I’m running — not who I was, but who I’m becoming. Steady on! I’ll finish strong on this path. With every breath in me, I call out, “Hallelujah today!” With…