Church Blog (Page 51)
Faith Lift
Leddy Hammock When I’m quiet in prayer, I open my heart, I open my heart. When I’m quiet in prayer I let go of fear, I let go of fear. When I’m quiet in prayer, I see only love, I see only love. When I’m quiet in prayer, I open my heart, I let go of fear, and I see only love. Alleluia!
Find It Here
Daniel Nahmod Inspired by lyrics by Daniel Nahmod Make my day, LORD. You are always with me, wherever I may travel. I ride the wind and sky and my day is made perfect with possibilities. LORD, You are All Power, All Knowingness, All Love ? everywhere and always, Infinite Presence — making my wonderful day. “If I dream I’m on an island . . . somehow in my…
March 4th!
Leddy Hammock Lyrics to “A Rising Tide” by Harold Payne: “Right here, right now, we are all connected somehow. Even a whisper in the dark becomes a prayer and it reaches out and touches your heart. A rising tide lifts us all; every drop of water helps to keep the flow. When you make a ripple in the river of life, we will all be lifted ? lifted by the…