Church Blog (Page 54)

Church Blog (Page 54)

Search the Sky

Leddy Hammock Inspired by lyrics to “Search the Sky,” by Sloan Wainwright: “Search the sky for that star, star of light, star of love ? bright enough to guide believers from afar, seeking their rumored newborn King. And when we wish upon it, we wish for our only gift, peace around our troubled world, peace within ourselves. Search the face of the child,…

Peace after the Feast

Leddy Hammock Based on lyrics by Eddie Watkins, Jr., to "All Is Well" Today I declare freedom from yesterday, mistakes of the past. Today all things are made brand new. And it feels so good to know that all is well and unfolding as it should. I can change my reality by changing my mind. Perfect peace, joy and happiness is yours and it's mine. I am loved and…

Set the Table

Leddy Hammock Based on lyrics to “Keep the Table Set” by David Roth and Tom Ryan: God has prepared a feast for me and has set the table for me to enjoy every good thing. My mind set is to expect the best. In all my life, I give thanks in advance, expecting good and only good. I shine all my dishes with my dreams and my wishes. I keep the table set. I believe…