Church Blog (Page 62)

Church Blog (Page 62)

Radical Moms

Leddy Hammock I do not let disappointment get me down. I watch for blessings and stay strong. I give thanks in advance for double blessings! I do not settle for limits. I bravely accept good ideas and I am unafraid of change. The walls of limitation come crashing down and swiftly set me free. I speak sweetly and expect delightful outcomes, even when faced with seeming…

Yes, You May!

Leddy Hammock I am standing at the gate of unlimited possibility, ready for the blessing only Spirit can bestow. Faith is the power to receive and to give form. It takes hold of desire when I believe.  I hold onto my faith. The Truth will be revealed. Nothing’s incurable.  All things can be healed.  What I believe I can conceive, and, in faith, I will…

Faith Lift

Leddy Hammock If I start feeling “blue,” I give myself a little time ? prayer time ? to get ready for my “faith lift.” With sunny days and beds of roses, it’s easy to pretend for awhile. But when I can’t keep that “painted on smile,” I get ready for a “faith lift.” I know that God always hears me. I trust and…

Good Morning!

Leddy Hammock Easter 9:30 & 11 AM The sunrise is like fire and gold, spilling out on the water while the land’s still dark and cold.  It’s morning!  I wake up breathing in faith, seeking to find the Christ that I was missing. I wake up breathing a prayer: “I come to the garden alone, while the dew is still on the roses. And the voice I hear…