Church Blog (Page 64)

Church Blog (Page 64)

Time for the Reveal

Leddy Hammock (Inspired by scripture and lyrics by Melinda Wood Allen): No matter how long the seeming problem has been around, when the time comes when I am really ready, the answer is revealed. The demonstration comes first in mind, then in manifestation. I walk by faith, not by sight. “I come in humbleness, Your blessings to receive. I touch just the hem of the…


Leddy Hammock Lesson inspired by lyrics from “May You Know God” ? “May you rejoice in the new life within you as you release the old and worn. Open your heart with praise and thanksgiving . . . . May you awake to a world of beauty, lifted up from times of tears. Aware of the grace that tenderly carries you . . . . There was a time in your life when you…

Let It Be Easy

Karen Drucker (inspired by lyrics by Karen Drucker): “Let it be easy. Now that I see the light, I won’t work on, day and night. I vow to take good care of me. Let it be easy. I don’t need to run a race. I’m choosing ease and grace, enjoying the ride. Let it be easy. I heard a voice calling to me, ‘Let it be easy.’ I make the choice to…

This Place

Leddy Hammock I am not here by accident. I am here in this place by divine appointment. Since God is everywhere equally present, whenever I turn my attention to the presence of the Good, I dwell in the House of the Lord. Wherever I am?either alone or gathered with others in prayer? my heart is in a holy place. In Genesis, we read that Jacob fell asleep, alone in the…