Church Blog (Page 7)
Amazing Things
Leddy Hammock Inspired by lyrics to “Amazing Things” by Megon McDonough and Jana Stanfield You will do amazing things with the choice each new day brings, And with every step you take, bless the progress that you make. Oh, the places you will go and the people you will know. Don’t worry when or where or how. You don’t need to know that now.…
Amazing Things – Leddy Hammock
Inspired by lyrics to “Amazing Things” by Megon McDonough and Jana Stanfield You will do amazing things with the choice each new day brings, And with every step you take, bless the progress that you make. Oh, the places you will go and the people you will know. Don’t worry when or where or how. You don’t need to know that now. You’re on the right track. No need to look…
God Knows
Leddy Hammock Lyrics to “I Don’t Need To Know (for God knows)” by Daniel Nahmod I don’t need a master plan. I can live here in the moment, for my life is in good hands. I don’t need to know what the future holds, for God knows. It comes so clear to me, that the minute I surrender, I’m as safe as I could…
God Knows – Leddy Hammock
Lyrics to “I Don’t Need To Know (for God knows)” by Daniel Nahmod I don’t need a master plan. I can live here in the moment, for my life is in good hands. I don’t need to know what the future holds, for God knows. It comes so clear to me, that the minute I surrender, I’m as safe as I could be. I can just let go, for God knows.
Holy Now
Leddy Hammock “When I was a [child] … we would go to church and pay attention … and everyone would kneel and bow. Today the only difference is, everything is holy now.” “When I was in Sunday school, we would learn about the time Moses split the sea in two, Jesus made the water wine. And I remember feeling sad that miracles don’t happen still. But…
Holy Now – Leddy Hammock
“When I was a [child] … we would go to church and pay attention … and everyone would kneel and bow. Today the only difference is, everything is holy now.” “When I was in Sunday school, we would learn about the time Moses split the sea in two, Jesus made the water wine. And I remember feeling sad that miracles don’t happen still. But now I can’t keep track, ‘cause…
Hold onto Love
Leddy Hammock Inspired by lyrics to “Hold onto Love” buy Roger Tomhave & Dan Johnson: Live this love through all your days and make this world a better place. Hold onto love. Hold on. You can search for love; you can hope and pray. Love’s most easily found when given away. Hold onto love. Hold on. Let love be our choice each day. With these words we…
Hold onto Love – Leddy Hammock
Inspired by lyrics to “Hold onto Love” buy Roger Tomhave & Dan Johnson: Live this love through all your days and make this world a better place. Hold onto love. Hold on. You can search for love; you can hope and pray. Love’s most easily found when given away. Hold onto love. Hold on. Let love be our…
Where God Shows Up
Leddy Hammock Highlights from “I Am the Place where God Shows Up” by Eddie Watkins, Jr.: “There is no spot where God is not. I am not alone and there is nothing I have to do on my own. I am the place where God lives and breathes and has Its being. I am the place, you are the place, we are the place where God shows up.”
Where God Shows Up – Leddy Hammock
Highlights from “I Am the Place where God Shows Up” by Eddie Watkins, Jr.: “There is no spot where God is not. I am not alone and there is nothing I have to do on my own. I am the place where God lives and breathes and has Its being. I am the place, you are the place, we are the place where God shows up.”