Church Blog (Page 73)

Church Blog (Page 73)

Holy Now

Leddy Hammock Heavenly Father, Your name is holy and Your name is my name, too. Every time I say, “I Am,” I pray in God’s name. Heaven is the realm of divine ideas ? instant, constant, and everywhere present. God is Love, God is Spirit. Spirit pours out divine ideas to all who are open to them. The more I look for the good, the more I see God, my Father.…

Yes Father

Leddy Hammock (Inspired by lyrics by John Stringer) We are all God’s children, and God, our Father, is our instant, constant, everywhere present Source of all good. I say “Yes” to the Father. God, our Father, is Love. Father, I say “Yes” to Your love. Father, I know You know the plans to prosper me, give me hope and a future and I say…

This Prayer’s 4 U

Leddy Hammock My prayer for you is my highest dream for you, or something even better! My prayer for you is that you know that you are worthy, loved by God, and deserving of God’s grace. My prayer for you is that you know that God cares about you, forgives you, and wants you well. My prayer for you is the highest outcome for all concerned, in right timing and in…

The Invention of Prayer

Leddy Hammock Inspired lyrics by Richard Maley: True prayer is communion with the God of my understanding.  I can hear God’s voice in my silence. True prayer is not bargaining with God, but acceptance – without question, of God’s empowering will. Prayer means doing the work that God gives me to do, and then letting go and letting God.  I can feel God’s…