Church Blog (Page 74)

Church Blog (Page 74)

We Remember

Leddy Hammock “We Remember Them” in “The Gates of Prayer” by Rabbis Sylvan Kamens and Jack Riemer “At the rising of the sun and at its going down…. At the blowing of the wind and in the chill of winter…. At the opening of the buds and in the rebirth of spring, we remember them.” “At the shining of the sun and in the warmth of summer…. At the rustling…

Step by Step

Judy Tafelski Step by step, I walk this journey of life with a generous heart. I begin the journey with the first step, and as I walk, I walk in the Presence. Step by step, I surrender to the Presence of God. With every move, I learn and grow, for I live and move and have my being in Spirit. Step by step, I pray in the Spirit, grateful in the Presence. Every prayer, every…

Step By StepJudy Tafelski

Step by step, I walk this journey of life with a generous heart. I begin the journey with the first step, and as I walk, I walk in the Presence. Step by step, I surrender to the Presence of God. With every move, I learn and grow, for I live and move and have my being in Spirit. Step by step, I pray in the Spirit, grateful in the Presence. Every prayer, every word, is a…

Blessed Be

Sue Riley Inspired by lyrics from Sue Riley’s “I Made Room for Grace.” When I stumble, I won’t be defeated, since I make room for grace. I stop resisting. I make room for grace. I just step aside, open up a space, and make room for grace. Now the blessings arrive every day, since I made room for grace.

Changing Other People

Leddy Hammock What Needs Changin’ in the World? by Freebo and Richard Mekdeci What needs changin’ in the world? – A whole lot of things, if it’s up to me. What needs changin’ in the world? Maybe it could be the way I’d like it to be. No more fightin’ in the neighborhood; hearts united for the sake o’ good. No more hunger and no more greed; ev’rybody’s…