Church Blog (Page 83)

Church Blog (Page 83)

Holding On

Leddy Hammock (inspired by lyrics by David Roth) I won’t batten down my hatches of resistance. I will use this opportunity to grow. I may not have made the perfect choices or done the best I could.  But holding on does not contribute to my very highest good. When I’m on the other side, I’ll know that letting go of all the things I didn’t need…

Perfect Peace

Phyllis DeBella Perfect peace, that’s what I want; not from the outside, but from the inside. I believe that the Holy Spirit has peace for me, no matter what is going on in the outer. Perfect peace, that’s what I want; no more anxiety, no more argument. I believe in perfect peace, and I am thankful.  I let it flow and now I know perfect peace.

Breathe the AIRR

Judy Tafelski I experience life!  With each breath, I feel God’s life. With every breath, I understand what is happening to me in my life. With every breath, I discern God’s life filling my life with love. I live in love, so I decide to respond to life fully: to let go of holding on, and just breathe.

Breathe the AIRRJudy Tafelski

I experience life!  With each breath, I feel God’s life. With every breath, I understand what is happening to me in my life. With every breath, I discern God’s life filling my life with love. I live in love, so I decide to respond to life fully: to let go of holding on, and just breathe.

Looking Good

I am made in Love, designed to see myself as God sees me. The more clearly I see myself for who I am in potential, the more clearly I express that innate divinity. As I remember who I am – God’s beloved Child – I act from my spiritual nature. I behold myself and others with wisdom and love. The good we are in Being is the good that I am seeing.

Looking GoodDieter Randolph

I am made in Love, designed to see myself as God sees me. The more clearly I see myself for who I am in potential, the more clearly I express that innate divinity. As I remember who I am – God’s beloved Child – I act from my spiritual nature. I behold myself and others with wisdom and love. The good we are in Being is the good that I am seeing.