Church Blog (Page 84)
Sue Riley
Goddess Day @ UCC
Remind Me
Leddy Hammock (from lyrics by David Roth): “You are rolling out your carpet of forgiveness and you give me solid ground to find my way. When I try too hard and feel so empty, You remind me that I’m good enough. You remind me that I’m always forgiven. You remind me that I’m always loved.”
Carrie Trubenbach
Remind Me Leddy Hammock
Magic Friendship Kit
Dieter Randolph I look around me here today and see that we share a heart connection. We are reminded that we are not alone. We are all friends here. We journey together, even through heartache toward healing, even through pain toward peace. We are not alone. We are all friends here. Every day, we are all learning to walk through grief to gratefulness, from…
Magic Friendship KitDieter Randolph
I look around me here today and see that we share a heart connection. We are reminded that we are not alone. We are all friends here. We journey together, even through heartache toward healing, even through pain toward peace. We are not alone. We are all friends here. Every day, we are all learning to walk through grief to gratefulness, from aloneness to all-one-ness. We…
Something Wonderful
Leddy Hammock I am a Child of God, heir to the kingdom of all good and ready to live the dream that was always mine. It is never too late to find my heart’s desire, for it’s been here all the time. I make way for saving grace by clearing out the clutter of old excuses. I am now ready and worthy to accept my heart’s desire. I know that nothing is too…
Something Wonderful Leddy Hammock
God’s House
Leddy Hammock As best I can, my heart is an open heart. I let myself be a spiritual being, currently going through a human experience, trying to lighten up life’s loads, whether tears or laughter flow, as best I can. My home is a kindness home, like Abraham’s, where a stranger’s always welcome. If they’re hungry, then they eat. If…