Church Blog (Page 85)

Church Blog (Page 85)

Mission Possible

Leddy Hammock Nothing is impossible.  It is never too late. Nothing is too much for God, no challenge too great. Hold onto your faith.  The Truth will be revealed. Nothing is incurable.  All things can be healed.

Where is God?

Leddy Hammock Like the air around me, like the sunlight on my face, I feel the love of God surround me and I am touched by amazing grace. All I ever wanted and all I ever needed was already there, closer than the sunlight, nearer than the air. I breathe in and I am filled with the Spirit.  It is health to my body, strength to my mind, and joy to my soul. I breathe…

R U Willing?

Dieter Randolph I now make the decision to turn my will and my life over to the care of God as I understood God. My will is my thoughts and my words, which shape my reality by the law of attraction. Divine Spirit is directing me now. I am free from yesterday and the mistakes of the past. All things are made brand new. I will to let God be God. It feels so good to know…

R U Willing?Dieter Randolph

I now make the decision to turn my will and my life over to the care of God as I understood God. My will is my thoughts and my words, which shape my reality by the law of attraction. Divine Spirit is directing me now. I am free from yesterday and the mistakes of the past. All things are made brand new. I will to let God be God. It feels so good to know that all is well…

What If?

Leddy Hammock “What’s my hurry in this fury? God is holding me now. Untie the knot in what I am caught in, God is holding me now. Relax my hands and rest my eyes. Take a deep breath, realize that I can do this. I’ll get through this. God is holding me now. In this moment, I’ll step aside. I will let go and let God provide. I’ll find my…