Church Blog (Page 87)

Church Blog (Page 87)


Belonging Leddy Hammock In the house of the soul’s belonging, I step into the feeling of sweet surrender and let myself remember who I am. I can take my own sweet time and ease my troubled mind in the secret sanctuary of the heart. In the kingdom of love, there is no competition, no contradiction and no control. In our true profession, we can claim our passion,…

Fearless Journey

Fearless Journey Leddy Hammock From lyrics to “Fearless Flyer” by Harold Payne and Jodi Siegel “I am the rose of winter, blooming in the snow, reaching for the sky above from the earth below.” “I’m a fearless flyer, I’m a wind rider, I am all I need to be.  In the pouring rain of a hurricane, I am flying fearlessly.”…

Remember and Reroute

Remember & Reroute Leddy Hammock Based on  “We Remember Them” by Rabbis Sylvan Kamens and Jack Riemer “At the rising of the sun and at its going down….  At the blowing of the wind and in the chill of winter…. At the opening of the buds and in the rebirth of spring, we remember them.” “At the shining of the sun and…

Taking Back Your Day

Taking Back Your Day Dieter Randolph I stay strong, regardless of appearances, for I am in charge of my own thoughts. No matter what others may do, I live at peace and I do not give away my power. Whatever may be going on around me, I keep my mind on the blessings. Whatever happens, I claim a blessing, so only blessings can stay with me.