Church Blog (Page 90)

Church Blog (Page 90)

Congratulations Dieter!

Congratulations Dieter! “The Reverend Dieter Randolph has served all aspects of this ministry with excellence for some twenty years, therefore, our Board of Directors has unanimously approved his appointment as our Minister of Education, to serve as Special Advisor to the Board of Directors in all aspects of this ministry.  We are grateful!”

Saving Time

Leddy Hammock I save time by knowing that I am always in the right place at the right time by God’s grace. I save time by letting go of everything I was afraid I had to control. I save time by letting worries over delays and deadlines wash away. I save time by waking up to my spiritual nature and living in the power of now.

How Loved You Are

How Loved You Are Karen Drucker karen-drucker“I have the secret I’ve known since birth: ‘I’m whole and I’m complete and I know what I’m worth.’” “I know what I’m worth, I am a beacon of love.” “I know what I’m worth, I am an angel of light.” “This new way of being feels like rebirth.…

Horse Spirit

Leddy Hammock Rise up, spirit of strength.  Return from sorrow and run with joy. Rise up, spirit of renewal.  Return from the place of hurt and run toward healing. Rise up, spirit of life.  Return from wandering and run to your source. Rise up, spirit of strength.   Fear nothing and run toward victory.

Carry On

Carry On Leddy Hammock Each soul is on a journey.  I focus on my own journey and I resolve to evolve. One thing I know: I am here to grow. I resolve to seek the highest good for all concerned in all things and, no matter what, I carry on. Here is the revelation: we are all evolving, all the time. We keep on keeping on, and every day, in every way, we are getting…