Church Blog (Page 93)
Year-End Giving
Cynthia Mackey
Night Watch
Night Watch Leddy Hammock Inspired by lyrics by Peter Mayer: Make of my heart a manger, Lord, to receive the newborn Christ Child. Calm my fears, and give me peace, Lord, and steadfast, stable faith, that I may witness the birth of the Christ Child in everyday experience. Give me a sign, Lord, as I keep the night watch, that the Christ Child is born…
Search the Sky
Search the Sky Leddy Hammock “Search the sky for that star, star of light, star of love – bright enough to guide believers from afar, seeking their rumored newborn King. And when we wish upon it, we wish for our only gift, peace around our troubled world, peace within ourselves. Search the face of the child, shining with the spirit of Christmases…
Pianos in Pinellas
Unity Silent Movie from 1926 part 1
Unity Silent Movie from 1926 part 2
Radical Grace
Radical Grace Leddy Hammock Lyrics from “All Is Grace” by Melinda Wood Allen: “Grace from above me, grace from below. Grace deep within me. Grace is all I know – grace from the heavens, grace from the earth. Grace is all around me, everywhere I turn. All is good, all is well, all is grace, all is grace. It’s all good. I…
Radical Gratitude
Radical GratitudeDieter Randolph I’m so grateful for everything for each and every day. Each moment is a blessing so the prayer I say is, “Thank You for each breath, for my health, for Your love, for my life, for my friends, for my work, for Your grace! Thank You for everything!”