Born in Kingston, Ontario, Canada, Brian, who later lived in British Columbia, has called Florida home since age 11. Disenchanted with fundamentalism, he always had a passion to study the human connection with spirit, a quest implemented and supported by his mother. Introduced to Unity in 1983, he treasures the first book he read by Catherine Ponder, Millionaires of Genesis. Since then, he has studied her works intensely and especially values a well-worn, sacred copy of Dynamic Laws of Prosperity. An avid reader, Brian points to the UCC bookstore as a “wealth of education.” Among the titles that can be found there, he has benefited from the works of Emilie Cady and applied the principles advocated by Charlene Shelton and Martha Lynn in Good Business—Putting Spiritual Principles into Practice at Work to the business he created.
A fervent believer in tithing, Brian walks the walk. “Each Sunday, I sit in this sanctuary, pray and meditate. Sometime during the service, I get a figure—like clockwork—it never fails, and whatever amount God directs me to tithe, I give. I do not question or make excuses. I DO it.” Resolute, he is respectfully giving back to God what has been given to him. “If I ever stop, he says, “it will be like walking into a cave with no light and putting a boulder in front of the entrance. All the light gone. Everything dark. All the good, including $$$, stops flowing. I cannot afford to NOT give.”
At UCC, after first hearing Leddy speak, Brian thought “this woman made a lot of sense.” Because of her long, impressive tenure, “this church is anointed and special,” he feels, and “the right and perfect place” for him to be. For Brian, Unity is purely a way of life.
The practical dimension of Brian’s commitment is evidenced in his entrepreneurial success. After more than 25 years management experience in car dealerships, he invested his expertise in all management areas to create for his clients a stress-free car buying experience. In 2006, having listened to God and stepping out on faith, he founded BuyMeACar, a personalized car buying service company specializing in helping customers get the most value for their money ( In addition to St. Petersburg, other locations are in Vancouver, BC, Victoria, BC and Calgary, Alberta. Client testimonials on the company website attest to Brian’s exemplary service and savings realized. A win-win situation, “it never ceases to amaze me,” he says, “that by giving first of my best, spirit always blesses me with more and exactly when I need it.”