Podcast (Page 36)

Podcast (Page 36)


Judy Tafelski Negative expectations do not help us, while positive and loving thoughts are manifesting now. Every good thought, like an angel presence, goes before me to make my way easy, safe, prosperous, and happy. I deny the stumbling blocks of doubt, fear, and worry, and instead I build up a strong and positive consciousness that paves the way to good outcomes. I…

Your Heart’s Desire

Sue Riley My good dreams are like seeds I plant and patiently wait for them to grow. It is never too late, for dreams have no expiration date. I accept the good God has prepared for me. My dreams come true, blessing all the world. Anything good can happen, as long as I think it can. Unexpected gifts await our outstretched hands.  Wake up, Sleeping Beauty!

Opening to Abundance

Melinda Wood Allen Melinda’s lesson will be a “Sermon in Song” There is no lack in Spirit.  I praise and bless and use the good that I have. I open up a space by making room for an increase of blessings in my life. My blessings keep arriving as I keep opening up a space for them. When I act on my faith, I get what I need and so much more!…

Spectacular You

Jennifer Ferren Jennifer’s lesson will be a “Sermon in Song” Through the power of Spirit in me now . . . . I am open and receptive. I accept God’s great plans for me. I am grateful and strong. I am teachable and ready to serve.

More Love More Light

Leddy Hammock This is my prayer: an understanding heart, a heart so full of love that I see good everywhere I look, loving God with all my heart and loving others as myself, a clear mind, an open heart, living in peace with all.

The Power of the Silence

Leddy Hammock Inspired by lyrics by Richard Mekdeci and Mario Friedel: When I still myself . . . . . . my path is true, for God’s guiding light shines inside of me. . . . I find my balance as I hear God’s voice calling from deep inside. . . . the strength I seek is just a breath away. . . . in the Silence, I find my way, as I am calm and still.

From Please 2 Thank You

Leddy Hammock I begin my prayer with a cry for help, feeling alone and vulnerable, weak and afraid, guilty and worried, unsure that You hear me or care. Then, open to Your guidance, I thank You for Your protecting love, knowing You always hear and answer me, for You are fair and forgiving, my saving grace. Your love lifts my heart and I thank You. My prayer is answered…

For Give and Take

Leddy Hammock (inspired by lyrics to “In this Moment” by Melinda Wood Allen): “In this moment, I release. I let go. I find peace. In this moment, I live and let live. And I’m given the grace to forgive . . . . In this moment, no cause to defend, no one against me, nothing to mend. In this moment, I need nothing at all, so I listen and answer the…

Free Delivery

Leddy Hammock If I’m tempted to forget Your will, remind me that You’re with me still and that You’d never lead me to stray. I’m fearless in Your confidence. I trust in Your deliverance. I know You would not leave me in dismay. My God, my Good, You’re the only One. So, not my will, but Thine be done. Your Light is always shining on my way.…