Podcast (Page 39)
Joy Rising
Leddy Hammock When you think of Jesus, do you mentally “see” Him sad and suffering? Pictures of Jesus smiling or laughing are fairly new in worldwide Christian culture. Most people have gotten used to a serious, somber Savior. Yet, for the first three centuries of Christianity, Jesus was most often portrayed as serene, young, happy Good Shepherd. Only twice do…
Head Heart Hands
Dieter Randolph “When the great crowd that had come to the feast heard that Jesus was coming to Jerusalem, they took palm branches and went out to meet him, and cried out: ‘Hosanna! Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord!’ . . . . So the crowd that was with him when he called Lazarus from the tomb and raised him from death . . . went to meet…
Time to Heal
Leddy Hammock I love you. I see you well. I trust you to go within to discover you already know how it feels to be whole, how to heal” – Sue Riley and Glen Roethel in “How to Heal.” I am in the healing mode, right now! No matter how long I have been working through a challenge, I know that I have enough faith to reach out and accept my healing.I am…
Living Water
Leddy Hammock When I pray, my mind is shadow-free as noon day and my soul is resting, resting by the well of Spirit. Everyone is my teacher and I am teachable, but I want more than facts. I thirst for deeper understanding. O, give me Truth, that living water. The Christ Spirit that is alive in each of us, no matter where we’ve been or what we’ve done, is that…
This Is the Place to Be
Leddy Hammock This place . . . . . . is where Spirit has brought me for a holy purpose. . . . is where I always feel God’s presence; it blesses me when I think of it. . . . is such a part of me, and I am filled with grace and peace. . . . always heals me somehow, and stays with me when I go forth. Again and again, Spirit brings me home to this place.
Rising in Love
Dieter Randolph I am a child of God, becoming more loving as I grow up. As I grow up spiritually, I express greater love – less self-centered and more Spirit-centered. I learn to love more perfectly as I resolve to evolve. Thank God for evolution! I am not “falling in love,” I am rising in love.
How Adored You Are
StoweGood (from The Book of Matthew, Chapter 6, verses 9-13 in The Message: the Bible in Contemporary Language by The Reverend Eugene H. Peterson, a Presbyterian Minister, and published in segments between 1993 to 2002. This refreshing idiomatic translation of the original languages of the Bible is used in many American churches today: “With a God like this…
One Heart One Light
Leddy Hammock God is my Source. God lovingly provides and there is plenty for all. God is my Guide. In God’s light, I see my way clearly. God is my Life. I am becoming stronger in God’s presence. God is my Light. I walk in beauty, in the healing Light of Love.
So Far So Good
Dieter Randolph . . .I am a part of this thing called Life . . . . . . God has been good to me! . . . Life is good! . . . What, me worry? God loves me and takes care of me! . . . God wants me to live abundantly, and so far, so good!!
Your Own Sweet Time
Leddy Hammock I believe that the good life is now arriving for me, right on time. I believe that good fortune is on my side and these are the good times. I believe that every day, in every way, I am getting better and better. My mind is renewed and my life is transformed right now, in my own sweet time. You better believe it!