Podcast (Page 40)

Podcast (Page 40)

Only Love Can Do That

Leddy Hammock from the words of The Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.: “As we walk, we must make the pledge that we shall always march ahead. We cannot turn back. With this faith we will be able to hew out of the mountain of despair a stone of hope. With this faith we will be able to work together, to pray together . . . . With this faith we will be able . . . to…


Leddy “When you hear a voice no one else can hear, yet clear and loud and ringing in your ear. And you finally know what it’s time to do, that’s your true calling calling you. You ask yourself, ‘Is that a voice I can trust?’  You may think you can’t, but you know that you must. You’re afraid you’ll fall if you let go,…

Happy New You

Leddy Hammock I wouldn’t do again what my old self would allow, but I didn’t know then what I know now. As I change my thinking, I change my life. The Christ in me knows better, so the Christ in me shows better. Happy New Year, Happy New You – Strong and Serene in 2016!

Auld Lang Syne

Leddy Hammock Lyrics to “Illuminate” by Sloan Wainwright and Stephen Murphy “Light the candle, illuminate your heart. Don’t be afraid of the dark . . . . Ring out the old, bring in the new, bless and release what you have to, and love with love with hope . . . . Ring out the old, bring in the new, bless and release what you have to, and love with hope . . . . Light the…

Bethlehem Close?

Leddy Hammock (adapted from lyrics by Sloan Wainwright and Jan Garrett): “Sacred Mother, full of grace, surrender to her dark embrace,for deep inside this winter’s night is birthed the coming of the Light.” “Unseen Guides bless your light, set aside the how and why. Restore your soul and rest assured, safely in their keeping.” “Lullaby,…

A Stable Christmas

Dieter Randolph Make of my heart a manger, Lord, to receive the newborn Christ Child. Calm my fears, and give me peace, Lord, that I witness the birth of the Christ Child in everyday experience. Give me a sign, Lord, that the Christ Child is born in the midst of the simple life. In steadfast, stable faith, Lord, I behold the newborn Christ Child in the manger of my heart.

Birthday Party

Leddy Hammock “We waited then; we’re waiting still.  The answer lies within our will. Every child that’s born each day brings the gift of peace and shows the way, and is a Child of peace in its own way, to show the hope of possibility.” “Child of peace, pure and sweet. Show me how to be a Child of peace. When a child is born, it brings…

The Making of a Soul

Leddy Hammock (inspired by lyrics by Anji Kat): “I remember who I am supposed to be. I am the Light, I am the Love. I am the faith that never gives up. I am more than I seem.  I am called to be everything I can be. I am the Light, I am the Love, I am the faith that never gives up. That’s who I am!”


LEDDY HAMMOCK God is Love and always welcomes me home. Even if I seem to forget for a time who I really am, and Whose I really am, God does not forget me. Even if I lose my way, God will always bring me home again. Sweet memories of my spiritual Home live inside me still and I am forever coming Home.

Sounds Like a Plan

Leddy Hammock God is Love and God’s will for us is good and only good. In the Grand Design, whatever is not of Spirit will fall; whatever is of Spirit will prevail. Whether I always understand or not, God’s plans are always for the greater good. Everything is all right in the end.  If it is not all right, then it is not yet the end.