Podcast (Page 42)
Where is God?
Leddy Hammock Like the air around me, like the sunlight on my face, I feel the love of God surround me and I am touched by amazing grace. All I ever wanted and all I ever needed was already there, closer than the sunlight, nearer than the air. I breathe in and I am filled with the Spirit. It is health to my body, strength to my mind, and joy to my soul. I breathe…
R U Willing?
Dieter Randolph I now make the decision to turn my will and my life over to the care of God as I understood God. My will is my thoughts and my words, which shape my reality by the law of attraction. Divine Spirit is directing me now. I am free from yesterday and the mistakes of the past. All things are made brand new. I will to let God be God. It feels so good to know…
What If?
Leddy Hammock “What’s my hurry in this fury? God is holding me now. Untie the knot in what I am caught in, God is holding me now. Relax my hands and rest my eyes. Take a deep breath, realize that I can do this. I’ll get through this. God is holding me now. In this moment, I’ll step aside. I will let go and let God provide. I’ll find my…
Family Problems?
Leddy Hammock I am grateful for the gift of family – for the lessons learned and the blessings shared. Bless this family for choosing to create a home where we serve together for the highest good of all. Our spiritual family is held together by a bond of Spirit that is stronger than blood. Let the circle be unbroken. We thank God for this Spiritual Family, called to…
God Bless Everybody
Leddy Hammock Inspired by lyrics by Joyce Rouse (Earth Mama) “God bless America and Everybody Else. Protect us from our enemies and save us from ourselves.” “Remind us that compassion is a cornerstone of wealth, And God bless America and Everybody Else.” “Connect us by our beating hearts and through our common air.” “God Bless all…
Ask Your Father
Dieter Randolph (Inspired by lyrics by our Guest Musician, Tom Kimmel): The love of the Father is like the rain: “it falls on everything . . . . That’s what I love about rain.” The love of the Father is like the sun: “it shines on everyone . . . . That’s what I love about the sun.” “I don’t know why mountains…
Step Back, Slow Down
Step Back,Slow Down Leddy Hammock “What I hold on to holds on to me. With the heart and wisdom I have now, I wouldn’t do again what my old self would allow.” “What I hold onto to holds on to me. Resentments I carry won’t let me be free. My new religion is live and let be. What I hold on to holds on to me.” “Letting go of all…
Belonging Leddy Hammock In the house of the soul’s belonging, I step into the feeling of sweet surrender and let myself remember who I am. I can take my own sweet time and ease my troubled mind in the secret sanctuary of the heart. In the kingdom of love, there is no competition, no contradiction and no control. In our true profession, we can claim our passion,…
Fearless Journey
Fearless Journey Leddy Hammock From lyrics to “Fearless Flyer” by Harold Payne and Jodi Siegel “I am the rose of winter, blooming in the snow, reaching for the sky above from the earth below.” “I’m a fearless flyer, I’m a wind rider, I am all I need to be. In the pouring rain of a hurricane, I am flying fearlessly.”…
Remember and Reroute
Remember & Reroute Leddy Hammock Based on “We Remember Them” by Rabbis Sylvan Kamens and Jack Riemer “At the rising of the sun and at its going down…. At the blowing of the wind and in the chill of winter…. At the opening of the buds and in the rebirth of spring, we remember them.” “At the shining of the sun and…