Podcast (Page 43)

Podcast (Page 43)

Taking Back Your Day

Taking Back Your Day Dieter Randolph I stay strong, regardless of appearances, for I am in charge of my own thoughts. No matter what others may do, I live at peace and I do not give away my power. Whatever may be going on around me, I keep my mind on the blessings. Whatever happens, I claim a blessing, so only blessings can stay with me.


“Let us emulate the Divine Mother in all creation. Let us e-MOMulate the Holy Comforter indwelling all.” (following inspired by lyrics by Sue Riley): Spirit, like a loving mother, teaches me Truth, so wonderful in its simplicity, and molds me with quiet strength to stand on my own feet. I give thanks for the loving hands that have gently sheltered me, held me…

Time to Heal

Leddy Hammock I remember who I am: a child of the Most High, and this is my time to heal. I am becoming stronger. I am becoming whole. I walk in the light of the Presence of God. This is my time to heal.

Earth Dreams

Leddy Hammock A song of praise in celebration of Earth Day – “I Dreamed of Rain” by Jan Garrett: “I dreamed of rain and the rains came, soft and easy, sweet and clear.  I dreamed of rain and the rains came and peace spread over the land. I dreamed of summer and the winds changed and the green was easy and the rivers ran clear.  I dreamed…

Sacred Life

Sacred Life Leddy Hammock leddy-jthThis Sunday’s lesson is inspired by lyrics from Jennifer Ferren: I forgive. I forgive all the heartache we have ever known, for a higher way is waiting to be shown. I forgive others and myself.  I let go and move ahead so we can grow. I forgive. I am standing strong in who I am. I leave the past because I can, and I am free. I…

Good Morning

Good Morning Leddy Hammock  “Wake Up!” by Mark Shepherd “Wake up, wake up, your stone is rolled away.” “Breathe in, breathe in the light of this new day.” “Behold, behold, the old has passed away.” “Wake up, wake up! Love has found a way.” “Wake up, wake up, your stone is rolled awa


Hands! Dieter Randolph When the great crowd that had come to the feast heard that Jesus was coming to Jerusalem, they took palm branches and went out to meet him, and cried out: ‘Hosanna!  Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord!’ . . . .  So the crowd that was with him when he called Lazarus from the tomb and raised him from death . . . went…

Why Miracles?

Why Miracles? I walk in faith with the Infinite One and my world is shaped with God’s healing plan. Therefore, amazing things happen to me and through me, naturally. It is never too late.  Nothing is incurable. All things can be healed. Nothing is too wonderful to happen or too good to last, for I choose a path that’s paved with miracles.

Saving Time

Leddy Hammock I save time by knowing that I am always in the right place at the right time by God’s grace. I save time by letting go of everything I was afraid I had to control. I save time by letting worries over delays and deadlines wash away. I save time by waking up to my spiritual nature and living in the power of now.

How Loved You Are

How Loved You Are Karen Drucker karen-drucker“I have the secret I’ve known since birth: ‘I’m whole and I’m complete and I know what I’m worth.’” “I know what I’m worth, I am a beacon of love.” “I know what I’m worth, I am an angel of light.” “This new way of being feels like rebirth.…