Sunday Service (Page 29)

Sunday Service (Page 29)

March 4th!

Leddy Hammock Lyrics to “A Rising Tide” by Harold Payne: “Right here, right now, we are all connected somehow. Even a whisper in the dark becomes a prayer and it reaches out and touches your heart. A rising tide lifts us all; every drop of water helps to keep the flow. When you make a ripple in the river of life, we will all be lifted ? lifted by the…


JD Martin & Jan Garrett Inspired by lyrics to “One Heart” by Jan Garrett & JD Martin): There’s a new Church on the horizon, made of light, not of stone, calling now to all creation, “You are not alone.” We are One Heart, looking for answers. We are One Soul, finding our way through the dark. Hold out your hand. Someone will take it…

This Place

Leddy Hammock I am not here by accident. I am here in this place by divine appointment. Since God is everywhere equally present, whenever I turn my attention to the presence of the Good, I dwell in the House of the Lord. Wherever I am?either alone or gathered with others in prayer? my heart is in a holy place. In Genesis, we read that Jacob fell asleep, alone in the…


Leddy Hammock I am a child of God, becoming more loving as I grow. As I grow up spiritually, I express greater love ? less self-centered and more Spirit-centered. I learn to be more loving as I resolve to evolve. Thank God for lovelution! I resolve to evolve as a stronger and more loving child of God.

More Love

Leddy Hammock This is my prayer: an understanding heart, a heart so full of love that I see good everywhere I look, loving God with all my heart and loving others as myself, a clear mind, an open heart, living in peace with all.

Why Wait?

Leddy Hammock Inspired by lyrics to “Why Wait?” by Daniel Nahmod: Why wait for that wake-up call? Why wait, until it’s too late? There is only today. Why wait? Why would we keep a dream a secret all our life? There is only today. Why wait? Why wait before that pouring rain, before that hurricane? There is only today. Why wait? Let the future fall away.…

So Far, So Good

David Roth Inspired by lyrics by David Roth: “I’m learning how to find my way ? so far, so good.” “I count my blessings every day ? so far, so good.” “One more moment, one more minute, I take the good and get right in it ? so far, so good.” “I’ve got a place to lay my head ? so far, so good. To everyone whose not so…


Leddy Hammock From lyrics by Eddie Watkins, Jr.: We’re not alone and there’s nothing we have to do on our own, because we are the place where God lives, moves and breathes and has Its being. We are the place where God shows up.  

Happy New You

Leddy Hammock Inspired by lyrics to “If You Want To Be Happy” (Words and music by Sloan Wainwright, Sue Riley, Jana Stanfield): “Don’t believe all that you think ? if you want to be happy.” “If you want to be happy, be careful what you say. Resist the urge to criticize when things don’t go your way. You can’t make yourself…

Auld Lang Syne

Inspired by lyrics to Memory Makers, by Sue Riley. “After the dazzle of Christmas, the holiday frazzle is past. Peace descends in the silent night, at last.” We give thanks for the memory makers: the wise ones who shared with us the unforgettable moments that we treasure still. We give thanks for the memory makers: the dear ones of Christmases past who kept…