Sunday Service (Page 8)

Sunday Service (Page 8)

Expect the Best

Leddy Hammock Negative expectations come to nothing, while positive and loving thoughts are manifesting now. Every good thought, like an angel presence, goes before me to make my way easy, safe, prosperous, and happy. I deny the stumbling blocks of doubt, fear, and worry, and instead I build up a strong and positive consciousness that paves the way to good outcomes. I…

Calling Father

Leddy Hammock Inspired by lyrics from “Father’s Day” by Johnsmith In my heart, I hear my Father say that He loves me. “Like rain falling gently upon fallow ground. I felt the fields of my heart turn green on those few small words my father said to me. So, now, I try to say ‘I love you’ every chance I get. It’s funny how a few…

Room for Grace

Leddy Hammock Based on lyrics from “I Made Room for Grace” by Sue Riley and Melinda Wood Allen I live without making demands. I am happy, just doing the best that I can. When I stop resisting, I get what I needed – and so much more. Rather than insisting on my own way, I open my arms in surrender. Since I made room for grace, I just stepped aside and opened up…

The Good Shepherd

Leddy Hammock Inspired by lyrics to “The Shepherd’s Song” by Sue Riley: Though I walk in deepest shadows, I will have no fear. I journey with the Shepherd, He walks beside me. With His strength he gives me courage. May His wisdom be my guide. His rod and His staff, they go before me. Surely goodness and mercy will always follow me All of the days and the…


Leddy Hammock Highlignts from “We Remember Them” by Rabbis Sylvan Kamens and Jack Riemer: “At the rising of the sun and at its going down …. At the blowing of the wind and in the chill of winter, we remember them.” “At the opening of the buds and in the rebirth of spring …. At the blueness of the skies and in the warmth of summer, we remember…

Still Yourself

Leddy Hammock Inspired by lyrics to “Still Yourself” by Richard Mekdeci and Mario Friedel “Your path is true. There’s a guiding light that shines inside of you.” “Still yourself. Still yourself. In the silence you will find your way.” “Still yourself. Still yourself. Still yourself and heal yourself. The strength you seek is…

Everyday Heroes

Sue Riley The Mother side of God’s love is selfless. This is the noble love that inspires everyday heroes. The Mother side of God is infinite wisdom. This is the love that inspires discernment The Mother side of God’s love is loyal and strong. It takes a hero to release fear and trust in love. The Mother side of God’s love is strong enough to let go and…

Happy Now?

Leddy Hammock Highlights inspired by lyrics to “If You Want To Be Happy” by Sloan Wainwright, Sue Riley, Jana Stanfield: “Don’t believe all that you think – if you want to be happy.” “If you want to be happy, be careful what you say. Resist the urge to criticize when things don’t go your way. You can’t make yourself feel…

Welcoming the Stranger

Judy Tafelski Highlight from lyrics to “See Myself in You” by Tom Prasado-Rao and Tom Kimmel: “If I met you on the corner, would I know you as you are? Would I take you for a stranger and brush past you in the door? If you called me, would I hear you? Would I walk away too soon? If I lingered for a moment, would I see myself in you? If you held me like…

Part this Sea

Leddy Hammock Highlights inspired by “Part this Sea” by the Friedels and Richard Mekdeci   I’m facing my worst enemy.  I know that You will part this sea.   I call on You to rescue me.  I know that You will part this sea.   You are the LORD, my God.  I know that You will part this sea.    I know that You are here…