Lots of Ways to Get Involved!
What do you do when you feel you’re in your right place here at Unity?
Becoming a member is as simple as filling out a membership card, found in the seat pockets in our Sanctuary and placing it in the offering basket during services or handing it in at the Bookstore Counter.
Become a Voting Member!
Attend a quarterly “New Member Meet ‘n Greet” after a Sunday service and get to know Unity friends over the free pizza lunch! This makes you a voting member, so you can participate in our Annual Meetings – usually less than an hour, following services, usually the last Sunday in February of each year. There is no financial requirement to membership in Unity, but we trust that those who appreciate this loving spiritual community will support it in service, substance, and attendance, as they feel led. Each will give according to his or her means and according to his or her consciousness. Therefore, as you prosper, your church will prosper, and we are grateful!
Sign Up!
Sign up for our weekly e-newsletter so you’ll be in the know about upcoming events here at Unity.
Lend a Hand!
Participate in monthly “Service Saturdays” – usually the first Saturday of each month (our schedule may vary for holidays – check newsletters!) and/or mid-month “Express Saturdays” – 9 to 11 am, as announced. It’s very rewarding to join with others in projects in and around our Church home, as we work together to clean and maintain our Church home. Many hands make light work!
Adopt a Promised Land Garden Space!
Sign up at the info counter to claim a little plot of the Unity grounds. Plant some (legal) plants that you like and promise to keep your little piece of paradise tidy and beautiful. Make the desert bloom!
Be Energized By Our Youth Ministry!
Start in the Peace Chapel at 10:30 am on Sunday mornings for the youth-led Assembly, and follow the teacher for any aged group to serve as a classroom aide for the rest of the hour. Your presence will bless our young Truth students, and you will be surprised at the powerful life-lessons you will learn through them. (Those who feel called to serve in Youth Ministry on a regular basis will be invited to have a background check, paid for by the Church and kept in confidence.) Those who sign up in the Youth Ministry to serve even one Sunday a month, or once a quarter, or even once a year, will be greatly blessed! The children are our future, right? We have curriculum already prepared, and we’ll show you how to get started. New at Unity theology and wondering how you’d begin to teach Youth Ministry classes? See below!
Take Classes!
Our Ministry Team provide an ongoing series of classes here, based on foundational Unity materials and Bible study, through the year. Our classes are open to all interested adults and offered on a free will, love offering basis.